Connecting foot controller with Triaxis

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May 20, 2007
Reaction score
Prague, CZ, EU
Can someone help me please? I connected my foot controller with Triaxis but it doesn't work. When i change the bank on foot controller there's no change on Triaxis. 5-pin DIN cable is going from MIDI out jack on my foot controller to MIDI in jack in Triaxis. Is my Triaxis broken or am i doing something wrong? Thanks!
Did you read manuals from both units ?
Are they in the same midi channel ?
It will be ridiculous teaching you how to use a triaxis !
Manuals are for it :wink:
It will be ridiculous teaching you how to use a triaxis !
Manuals are for it Wink

sometimes i wonder why you are even here....

check the midi channel on your triaxis. when you press the [PRG\CH] button, a number will flash that is the midi channel. now make sure that the pedal is set to that channel as well. it will either be a number from 1-16, or it will say omni, which means it send on all channels. what board you using?
Guys, I don't need any controller for my triaxis in real, 'cause i use it in my homestudio, but friend of mine was here and he tried to use it with his controller. I don't remember what kind of controller it was. I hope it will work fine next time if I'll use omni channel. Thanks for your advise and help!
There were no omni channel. Just 1-16 and we didn't know on which channel works that controller so we tried all of them from 1-16. It was that last one, of course. :lol: So it works for him now. Thanks guys very much! :wink:
Rayder said:
sometimes i wonder why you are even here....

Maybe to keep you wondering :wink:

At the end that guy doesn't read the manual,desn't nedd the controler and even he was trying to use the controler !!!

With more experience you'll be able to identify those guys wich for real,don't want to do anything beside stupid questions . :(