Concert Experiences

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Australia, Melbourne
I though it would be nice to include one of these topics, so just post ur concert experiences here.

I went to a Megadeth concert yesturday (17/4/05) and came out highly unimpressed. The place was called Queensbridge Hotel, which was probably the main problem as this place was rather small. There were about a thousand people (rough estimate) packed into this building, but that wasn't the problem (this was my first metal concert and is exactly what I expected in terms of creature compforts). I found it relatively easy to get to the front (right up close to the stage) but could only get two rows close (in terms of people ahead of me) as any further was just an impregnable and immovable wall (pitty I didn't come earlier - oh well), but essentially I saw all the members up close, I could see them clearly, so that wasn't the major dissapointing issue either. But the sound, now thats what I was severly dissapointed with. They had on the stage 12 4*12 marshall cabs + bass cabs, mic stands etc. (the stage was about 8 meters long and 2 meters wide) so go figure how much space is left after that. Anyway. Right up front when they started playing all I could hear was just this wall of sound (no music whatsoever). After about two songs I realised that the front was a lost cause as I couldn't even tell what songs they were playing :x . So I quickly went in search of a better place but quickly realised that everywhere was the same. So at that stage I put in my ear plugs and found to my horror that now at least I could tell what songs they were playing, so from that moment on I had my ear plugs in (except for "Tout Le Monde" which sounded surpisingly good (relative to everyhting else they played). But essentially the sound asapect of the concert was unbelievably dissapointing. So all up I reckon that the whole concert would be around a 5/10 (the six would only exist due to the ability to see the members up close).

I also saw Mark Knophler (about two months before that) at the Rod Laver Arena (tennis venue). Now that was ironically all back to front, the sound was A LOT better, I was actually mostly enjoying the music. But I was seated rather far back so to me he was a spec (not really but he was relatively small - smaller than tennis players as the satge was at the far end of it (amphitheatre style setup)). But that concert I rated about a 9/10-I thouroughly enjoyed it.
I have had my share of bad concert sound experiences as well. The most disappointing one was Rush's Counterparts tour. Not their fault...mine.

I didn't bring enough cash to the ticket window, and had to go to an ATM. By the time I got back, the only seats available in our dome-shaped arena were on the side of the stage. NOT GOOD. I moved around to center stage, and the sound was awesome, but since it was reserved seating, security shuttled me back to purgatory very quickly.

Rush has GREAT concert sound...I've seen them 9 times, and that was the only time I was not blown away.

I fortunately have not had as bad an experience as you describe. Hopefully your next one will be better.

Yeh I hope so too, as this has SERIOUSLY hurt my passion for music. I went with a friend who had gone to many concerts in the past and claimed that it was alright in terms of the sound :shock: , I donno maybe I didn't go deaf enough to hear the songs because of my ear plugs, but quite seriously from the apparent fact that "most metal concerts are for viewing purposes" I really am lost for words, and I don't know what to feel at this stage. They use equipment costing shizer loads (I REALLY wanted to phrase that a little more harshly :evil: but u catch the drift) and they can't produce a sound thats even semi-decent... :evil:
playing with a wall of amps in any small venu is the problem. pro guitarists can get by with a 30 watt combo thats plenty loud for stage volume and doesnt flood the venue with mush.
if you have a wall of amps onstage, turn all but one or two cabs off!
ive played fairly large shows with just a half stack and i was fine.
just mic it up!
I saw some great performances at the Dallas Guitar Show last weekend. Two in particular stand out:

Maylee Thomas and her band - had to be one of the most uplifting, inspired shows I've ever seen. Maylee is the real deal - a singer in the Janis Joplin/Sass Jordan tradition, and puts her heart and soul into every note. Major labels should take note.

Tres Hombres - a ZZ Top tribute band. True to the original format, with a slightly harder edge to the music. Very entertaining and fun. I want to have a big backyard barbecue - a party on the patio! - and have this trio provide the music!
Atomic.Sheep said:
but quite seriously from the apparent fact that "most metal concerts are for viewing purposes" I really am lost for words, and I don't know what to feel at this stage. They use equipment costing shizer loads (I REALLY wanted to phrase that a little more harshly :evil: but u catch the drift) and they can't produce a sound thats even semi-decent... :evil:

Most concerts are for viewing purposes in general. When I go to a concert I am disappointed if I see the band just stand there staring at their instruments and playing. If I just wanted to hear the music played flawlessly with perfect sound, I'd just listen to the album! I want to see a performance as well as listen to the music I enjoy.

That aside, it sounds like you just had a really bad experience to me. Remember, the sound from the stage isn't just the band's fault, its also the sound man's fault. A problem that plagues a lot of venues around here where I live is the fact that the sound is very muddy. Every band I've seen at one specific venue has been really muddy. Many venues perscribe to the "crank it as loud as it can go and it'll sound awesome" rule. The two times I saw Megadeth (Marty Friedman's last show, Post-Risk tour with Al Petrelli) they had probably the best sound of any band I've seen. It was incredibly heavy and tight sounding. You could hear every instrument at all times.
system of a down blew my mind that was 2 yrs ago and i saw the ramones last tour which was also sweet
the recent motley crue tour was killer

if ya ever get a chance to see wasp those guys still rock out at full tilt
wontonefooie said:
system of a down blew my mind

Yeh I heard these guys rocked hard :twisted: at the big day out, too bad I didn't go, I have missed out on some awsome bands over the past few years from not attending :( , and sadly won't go next year either as the showgrounds where it gets held every year, are getting referbished. Oh well definatley will go in 2007.

Well I've had some time to live with the experience, and I can say that I am over it, i.e. I think back to the concert and realise that it wasn't that bad, in fact after thinking about it, the sound was as good as it could have been for the venue, I have to admit. Had it been in the open, I am sure it would have been awsome!!!
i went to the two metallica concerts in melbourne 04, blew my ******* mind i was right on the rail right in front of rob and sometimes james. sound was friggin huge especially lars kick pedal :shock: best two nights of my life \m/
only little problem was i couldnt hear kirks guitar very clearly but thats cause i was right at the front headbaning like ive never done before.

@atomic sheep, you shoulda seen metallica when they came to melbourne.
Yeh I sorta can't believe I missed them myself, I didn't know they were comming :shock: . Sorta reflects badly on me as a fan. Some guys from school went, said that the tickets sold out about 4 hours after they went up for sale. Some of them found out accidentally, one of them said that he saw advertisements on Chapel street. I hate it that these sorta events don't get advertised anywhere, well I guess they don't need to be since they sell out anyway :wink: .
Atomic.Sheep said:
Yeh I sorta can't believe I missed them myself, I didn't know they were comming :shock: . Sorta reflects badly on me as a fan. Some guys from school went, said that the tickets sold out about 4 hours after they went up for sale. Some of them found out accidentally, one of them said that he saw advertisements on Chapel street. I hate it that these sorta events don't get advertised anywhere, well I guess they don't need to be since they sell out anyway :wink: .
yeah i actually found out too late too, thank god for ebay!!!!