Compressor/Sustainer & Noise Gate with DR?

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Jan 30, 2008
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Phoenix, AZ
Has anyone used a compressor/sustainer and noise gate with their dual rec's or any other high gain mesa amp; if so what did it do for your tone? I am looking into a Keely Compressor and an ISP Decimator noise gate but not sure if it is worth the cash. Thanks...
I have a Barber Tone Press that works great on the clean channels. Sustain for days and some nice punch. In the high gain channels IMO an EQ or clean boost (TS-9 is my fav) will do a better job at lead sustain than a compressor. Recto's are already pretty compressed to start with in the high gain modes.

Well, I use a BOSS NS-2 Noise Suppressor on the highest settings available to eliminate noise from my rig (2 Channel Dual Rec). I actually have 2 OD pedals I use. I use a Maxon OD808 for my heavy rhythms, on at all times...and then I have a Maxon OD9 I'll kick on in addition for leads for sustain. Even with the NS-2 on max settings, using the OD9 basically gives me infinite sustain if I want. I could literally hold a note until my fingers got tired, and the NS-2 still kills all the noise in the rig. I tested that theory the other day to see how much sustain it would give and after a while, our vocalist came in from his smoke break and said "Is that ever going to stop? It sounds like you're trying to summon the devil in here or something"... :lol:
The ISP seems to have always had amazing reviews. Is there really a noticeable difference from the MXR Smart Gate, the NS-2, and the ISP?

I was looking into getting one soon, just not sure which one to get really.
Ukalali Solo said:
Is there really a noticeable difference from the MXR Smart Gate, the NS-2, and the ISP?

Never tried the MXR, but I have the ISP and got rid of the NS2. The Boss is a decent pedal and has its uses, but for simple, transparent front-end gating and noise reduction the ISP blows it away.
I didn't like the ISP because it's a rigid device with less flexibility. You can only control the parameters via a single knob, where as you can choose settings on the NS-2. It also has a loop feature available. If you're worried about tone...don't...:lol: Chances are the majority of professional artists you see using stomp box style noise suppressors are using an NS-2.

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