Comp Pedals

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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2007
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Ok guys, so I've gathered that the compressor pedal is my way to go... Now I'm stuck between the ElectroHarmonix Black Finger, the Keeley, and the BarberTone. I've not played any of the three pedals but I'd like to get some feedback from those of you who have. Also, is there any benefit to a tube pedal such as the EH Black Finger vs those who are just digiboard? I know we're all tube guys here when it comes to amps (obviously, on a mesa inspired board), but is the tone really different with pedals? I know Maxon has their real tube series and EH has recently opened up a tube line of products, but is it an audible difference for the better or just a marketing tool for all of us tube junkies?
Tone press is the usual poll winner. It blends the dry signal into the wet with a blend knob thus eliminating any comp initial drop out.
My store carried the EH, it didn't seem to be made well and we had a lot of tube trouble in shipping. I don't think it would last on your pedalboard and it would die on the road.
I've heard alot of good about the Keeley 4 knob comp, I just don't know if I can justify paying $270 +/- for a comp. I would like to be able to try one out on my set up first. Do any of you guys use the Keeley 4 knob comp?? If so, how do you like it.
Maxon makes a couple really good compressors....they are REALLY underrated.
I use the JangleBox. I like all three of its tone settings, but I keep Normal mode on almost all the time.

The thing about compressor pedals - don't skimp! Buy the best one you can. Since a comp usually sits very early in your signal chain, it will effect everything else that follows it. If you start with crap, it just gets worse down the line.
I'm going to order the Keeley 4-knob compressor tomorrow or the next day.
+1 on the barber tone press! used to have the maxon comp but wasn't too crazy about it. the barber is a step up for me.
another on the tone press.

i was able to a/b it against the keeley comp, which is a good comp, but the barber won out.

plus, at half the cost....
Anybody have the Analogman mini bi comp? It's really versatle. 2 compressors in one or use both together. Really nice transparent sounds.A little tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's really nice! Built like a tank!
I just bought a Keeley 4 knob but the switch crapped out on me like the fifth time I stepped on it. It is working again now, but it is going back. I can't pay $274 tax and all for a pedal and have it f*** up the first five minutes I mess with it. As for the tone - it sounded AWESOME for leads, but I wasn't much on it for rhythms...

I'll prob steer clear of compressors from now on - i've gone this long without one...
brand new tone press, for like 140 bucks.
can't beat that.

plus, parallel compression.

plus, can be used as a class A clean boost.
