Clips of my Roadster and my Rivera Silent Sister

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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2010
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Hey everyone. Just wanted to share two clips I did with my Rivera Silent Sister, and my Roadster and Tiny Terror. I am pretty new to recording cranked amp tones so bear with me. I think the Roadster clip came out sounding pretty good, while the TIny Terror sounded not so good. Either way, enjoy. I used the RAW mode, 50 watts, Bold, Recto Tracking on the Roadster. The guitar is a Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster and the mic is a Shure SM57. Later, I will post some clips using my Royer 122, once I get it back from my practice space.

I know the Raw mode isn't the most popular setting, but I actually find that setting the most versatile for my applications. Plus I can add some boosts to add more grittier low end when necessary. My favorite boosts for the Roadster are the OCD, Battio OD, BB Preamp, Blackstar.
Cool, I'll definitely try that. I think it is going to sound a little "choked" without any post eq or processing -- after all it was recording in an iso box. Also, thanks for listening and for the nice comment and advice. I really do appreciate it a lot! The more I listen to it, the more I like it. I am very happy with my progress thus far.
Definitely, I agree 100% Koprofag. I am actually going to double track that take tomorrow just to mess around with it some, then add some reverb and compression via Logic. I am still not sure if I will just record another take or simple copy paste the take. I will experiment also with panning them wide left and right, with different eqs. I know that is usually done mainly with lead and rhythm parts, but I will probably do it anyways just for practice. I am currently studying a Logic for Professionals book that is really helping me understand how to better use Logic.

Overall, the Silent Sister is seriously phenomenal for an iso cab. The build quality is also something that should be commended. One piece of advice however, should you buy one, definitely put it on a Gramma Pad (or something like it) to alleviate the bass frequencies that come off outside the box!

Good luck and thank you for the comments!
Thanks very much Stephen Sawall. With some eqing and post processing room sound, it should sound much better and more professional. I think what makes me most happy and relieved is finding a good recorded tone from my Roadster. I've been messing around with my dials for a week now, experimenting and redialing in. I just wanted to achieve a good rock and roll tone that wasn't overly bass heavy or distorted -- and I think I've found it.

Anyways, thank you so much for the nice comments!
Koprofag, I believe the Demeter also comes with two microphone inputs too. I was looking into it, but for only $150 more the Silent Sister, with its ported chamber/labryinth, looked much more promising and reliable. Most of my choice was based off of some reviews from TGP forum, Rivera's YouTube video of the Silent Sister, Zorran's clips of the Silent Sister and his Mark IV, and Rivera's reputation. So far I am very pleased and feel that my $1000 was spent pretty wisely, considering it's build, quality, potential, and my situation (apartment dweller!). Also, the G12T-75 is taking me by surprise some. I wasn't too worried about the speaker because I figured I could post eq whatever frequencies needed slight boosting, but I am actually happy so far. It's not as mid scooped as people claim it to be, at least to my ears.

Anyways, good luck with your decision. Let me know of any clips you post as well.
I would say for just getting to know what it does you are getting pretty good results ..... do you have any other speakers you can try in it ? Rivera makes very cool stuff.
Stephen Sawall: I am enthused as can be to have gotten a good rock tone with my Rivera. I don't have any other speakers I can swap out to try it with, but I am contemplating going with a Celestion G12 Century. At 80 watts it would be enough to handle my Roadster at 50 watts, and it's description boasts many wonderful things:

"The Celestion Speaker delivers a satisfyingly tight bottom end combined with detailed mids and a crisp top end to deliver stunning definition over a wide frequency range. For speed and articulation, no other speaker comes close."

Honestly though, I have had a field day this summer spending money on my rig that I'll need to stop for a bit. I bought the Rivera, a Tiny Terror, a Royer 122, a Port City 212 Wave, and a Gramma Pad. I don't think I'll be spending any more money of gear anytime soon. Plus I have too much to work with now, and too many toys to learn. I really want to get good with Logic and recording guitars, then move to bass guitars. Apogee has a great tutorial where they recorded Blue Judy with bass running right into their Ensemble and using Logic's amps for the sound source. I have a Duet and figured I would record bass the same way. Actually, they do use a compressor for some added colored gain.

Any suggestions for speakers for my future purchases? You seem to be wicked knowledgeable on this stuff, so your opinion is definitely highly regarded. Again, thank you for listening and sharing with me your thoughts!
I am a huge fan of the Vintage 30 with a SM57. It is my favorite combination for recording. I like Vintage 30's live with a band mixed with other speakers, H30 being my favorite. But not that much by it's self.

Whats in your port city cab ?

I have not tried them ..... but scumback's are what a lot of people I trust say are the ones. Next time I get some speakers I well be getting some from him.
Stephen Sawall:

Yeah, I am the same with my speaker preferences as you -- V30s for almost everything. It's strange how much negativity there is online about those speakers. It makes me wonder if people have tried other speakers or properly break in their V30s. Celestions gives a pretty accurate account on how to break in your speakers 90%.

I think I am going to go with the Heritage speakers I mentioned a see what happens. They are spendy, but that is probably what I will load my next Port City cab with for sure.

I too have read and heard the hype on Scumbacks. I listened to the mp3s they have on their website and must say that I was quite impressed. Honestly though, my Vintage 30 loaded Port City make me quite happy, as does my G12T-75 loaded Rivera.
You could always swap your 75 with one of your V30 ..... I kind of like the 75 and V30 together.

As far as a the negative stuff about the V30 ..... if they are that bad why does everyone use them ..... year after year ? It really does not matter what it is .... some well hate and others well love.
stephen sawall said:
You could always swap your 75 with one of your V30 ..... I kind of like the 75 and V30 together.

As far as a the negative stuff about the V30 ..... if they are that bad why does everyone use them ..... year after year ? It really does not matter what it is .... some well hate and others well love.

+1 on the V-30 comment. I had the mentality when i was younger that i didn't want to plays V-30's because "everyone else does and i wanna be different" then i come to realize "why do I like other peoples tone more than mine?" V-30s! now I've got them and I'm closer to the tone in my head.