Chassis Straps???

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
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Does anyone know where to get these for a Mark IV? I am assuming that all Mark series are the same size. I have been looking for them and cannot find them anywhere. I haven't called Mesa yet. I am trying to avoid having to order yet another part form them.

So far this amp is costing me more in replacement parts than any other amp I have ever owned. In fact the FU-3 alone cost me more than a couple of the combos I have bought over the years. I just got a newer head cabinet to replace the III cabinet I was in. Now I have an extra reverb pan but still no chassis straps. I am getting a little frustrated. At least I can mount my FU-3 to the cabinet now. I just don't want to load my head in until I have the chassis straps. I know the chassis straps are not necessary but I want them. The III cabinet I have is using the washers instead of the straps.

Why are they so hard to get? Fender's are sold everywhere. Marshall doesn't bother on their heads because they are mounted to the bottom of the cabinet. I do like the shielding idea in the top of the new MarkIV cabinet though.
seems to have some

I can't find them here:
but they probably have them.

You'll have to decide if they are the right size for you.
Err, they are for fender rather than mesas, but I don't know anyplace else that stock these things.
Unfortunately the 5 inch ones are too short. Mesa uses a 5 3/8 centers strap. Thanks for the site though...

Anyone else?