Channel 3 for lead

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Aug 4, 2009
Reaction score
Independence, MO
I can not dial in a good sound for lead on this channel, maybe its my cab, i'm using a 2-12 fender super-sonic. Its dark sounding. I've got it switched to bright, presence at 12 sometimes higher. the highs, high, lows and mids way down, tried many different settings.

This will be mainly for single not work, not a lot of chording. I want lots of sustain. I want it warm, not shrill but this is way too dark. I'm wondering if something is wrong with my amp? Does anyone else out there use their ch-3 as their lead channel? any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
journey651 said:
Celestion vintage 30's. max out the treble and take out all the bass?

You really shouldn't have to do that to get a bright tone and really wouldn't be advised for the sake of your tone. Haha. Do you have the option to take your head to a music store and plug up to some Mesa cabs? That would pretty much rule out your cab as being the cause if it is still too dark.

Take a pic of your settings if you can.
you cant get a good lead tone from a boogie? i thought id heard everything...

in all seriousness its probably your cab
I found my ch3 too dark too, and was able to rectifiy the situation with some preamp tube swapping. I got rid of some of the stock Mesa/JJ's 12ax7's and replaced them with other brands (mostly NOS). It made a significant difference in tone and my ch3 no longer sounds like there's a blanket over the speaker,
Wow--crazy talk! If anything, I have trouble taming the brightness on mine (combo V30). I even put the treb and presence down pretty far and it still slices through. And that's with a Les Paul. Are you playing LOUD enough??
I'm playing thru a Les Paul standard and an SG 61 reissue.

I'm playing loud enough to match the volume of the drums.

I'm trying to use this channel as my lead channel. I'm going to try some different ideas tonight. Thanks for everybodies advice.

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