Chance to get a Mark IV

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2008
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Reading - UK
I've got a Triple Rec at the moment, I really really like the sound of it, i've got a TL Audio tube parametric EQ in the fx loop and an maxon OD 808 out in front, i've got quite a MOP tone out of it. BUT i've just got paid and there's a good Mark IV on ebay (UK), do you think with the equipment i've got the Mark IV will sound better then the TR?!!
Thrashy kinda sound, Justice for All with more bass... I've got the Recto 4X12 too. Man what a sloppy post haha!
I don't know, but the intro of "The Pledge" on your myspace page is one of the first Blackened rip-offs I've heard :D
I can't say better (it's too subjective) but I will say different. If you are using a OD in front and an eq in the loop to get your sound, you will probably like the MkIV a lot.
ollievk said:
I've got a Triple Rec at the moment, I really really like the sound of it, i've got a TL Audio tube parametric EQ in the fx loop and an maxon OD 808 out in front, i've got quite a MOP tone out of it. BUT i've just got paid and there's a good Mark IV on ebay (UK), do you think with the equipment i've got the Mark IV will sound better then the TR?!!
Thrashy kinda sound, Justice for All with more bass... I've got the Recto 4X12 too. Man what a sloppy post haha!

i'd say if you can swing it financially to pull the trigger for two reasons.... 1) the mark iv is a killer amp that can get you almost any tone but a recto... it might be good to have both to pull off any tone you need.... you may also find you like the mark iv better and ditch the recto.... conversely you may realize your not into the mark iv and prefer a recto which leads to my second point... 2) mark ivs retain their value very well especially considering mesa just "discontinued" it so it could be an investment..... you'll always be able to sell the mark iv for at least what your going to pay for it used..... so like i said if you can afford to do it financially i would go for it because there is no down side in my eyes
cheers for the replies guys. Yeh the thing with the TR, I've been trying to get the exact opposite tone from it that recto's are well none for. I don't wait a really growly drop tuned distortion, I want tight, articulate, which I have got from it now in a way but it makes me wonder about other amps... I really wanna try the Randall RM100 too, I've heard it's amazing
ollievk said:
cheers for the replies guys. Yeh the thing with the TR, I've been trying to get the exact opposite tone from it that recto's are well none for. I don't wait a really growly drop tuned distortion, I want tight, articulate, which I have got from it now in a way but it makes me wonder about other amps... I really wanna try the Randall RM100 too, I've heard it's amazing
You might really like the Mark IV. Also check out the Soldano SLO and Bogner amps.
How I look at it....if you have to work too hard to get a tone out of an amp, you're with the wrong amp to begin with.

It sounds like the Mark IV will be much more up your alley.
ibanez4life SZ! said:
How I look at it....if you have to work too hard to get a tone out of an amp, you're with the wrong amp to begin with.

It sounds like the Mark IV will be much more up your alley.

I say go for it. Mark IV aren't being made anymore. I'm sure people all over are freaking out to get one. If it doesn't work out, and the IV isn't for you (which I doubt) you can always get another recto. I honestly think, if you can afford/handle it, keep the Recto and get the Mark. Mark+Recto=Tonal bliss :D

ibanez4life SZ! said:
How I look at it....if you have to work too hard to get a tone out of an amp, you're with the wrong amp to begin with. ...

Good point, but I'm 50/50 on this.
Bare with me... If you pick up a Mark without an GEQ and you love the tone, but something seems to be missing. You know they come with a GEQ, and think maybe thats the key. You pick up a GEQ pedal and throw it in the loop and you prefer it with the GEQ. Should you sell your amp and get the one with the GEQ built in?

Now I know Rectos aren't the most graceful amps when it comes to the low end, but I think they always needed a GEQ built in just like the Marks. Rectos have that sound that no other amp can do (Same goes for the Marks) and IMO if someone uses a GEQ in the loop to clean it up some, in no way is that working too hard. If you send an amp off to get modded, then yes, you have the wrong amp.

BTW Ibanez, did you ever pick up a Stiletto?
MetalMatt said:
Good point, but I'm 50/50 on this.
Bare with me... If you pick up a Mark without an GEQ and you love the tone, but something seems to be missing. You know they come with a GEQ, and think maybe thats the key. You pick up a GEQ pedal and throw it in the loop and you prefer it with the GEQ. Should you sell your amp and get the one with the GEQ built in?

Now I know Rectos aren't the most graceful amps when it comes to the low end, but I think they always needed a GEQ built in just like the Marks. Rectos have that sound that no other amp can do (Same goes for the Marks) and IMO if someone uses a GEQ in the loop to clean it up some, in no way is that working too hard. If you send an amp off to get modded, then yes, you have the wrong amp.

i 100% agree. I think even getting the amp modded (like i did with my TR when i had it) its not going too far because at the end of the day whether you spend a few hundred on an eq or an OD or an attenuator (like i just did) and the mod can get you the same results then i still think its worth it because its less moving parts. Its still going to sound like a recto so if thats the sound you dig but just want to refine it with some pedals or a mod then "do it to it lars!" (<-- bonus points if you can name that movie)
All valid points....keep on thing in mind though....there is a HUGE difference between getting a different tone from an amp through outside sources, or perfecting the amps tone with outside sources.

In his case, it sounds like he's trying to make the Recto something it's not.

My Stiletto should be here on Friday, and the Mark IV will be shipping out the Monday after :D
ibanez4life SZ! said:
All valid points....keep on thing in mind though....there is a HUGE difference between getting a different tone from an amp through outside sources, or perfecting the amps tone with outside sources.

In his case, it sounds like he's trying to make the Recto something it's not.

My Stiletto should be here on Friday, and the Mark IV will be shipping out the Monday after :D

true... i'm just going off of experience of getting my TR modded when i had it. it still sounded like a recto but it was definitely more refined (as if i has an eq in the loop), it had more usable gain and richer harmonics (od pedal... or the same effect an od pedal has) and better at lower volume settings (attenuater). So thats what i meant about doing a mod to get a certain tone out of a certain amp without making it sound like a different amp. i mean if you want a mesa to sound like a marshall then you should just buy a marshall, but if you want a certain sound while retaining the mesa sound then a mod or other equipment that get you there is ok in my book.
If you get a chance to get a Mark IV at a decent price, go for it. I now have a bunch of amps now (see sig) and although I like all of them for versatility, the one I couldn't live without is the Mark IV. One six year old short head went on ebay this week for $1816.00 and I almost bought it. I would have but I have a VHT Sig:X on the way. Hey Ollie I went to school at Leighton Park, do you know if its still there in Reading?
if you are looking for MOP get the mark iv. dont even think about it, that tone is in that amp. Some of the metallica material was even recorded using mark iv's or by using the mark iv's preamp section to drive marshall power amps as far as I have found out.
FWIW Department:

Rectos and Marks sound totally different. A Recto can't be made to sound like a Mark, and a Mark can't be made to sound like a Recto—no matter how you tweak the Mark's GEQ. By the way, Rectos sound EXACTLY like Framus Cobras—lots of "boom" and "sizzle"—very "scooped." Mark IVs have a lot more pronounced mid-range on-tap, and do NOT sound like Framus Cobras. Rectos are great for big, chunky, boomy rhythms and palm-mutes. Marks are great for leads (rhythms, too, just different). Everyone should have one of each, IMO. Get a Mark IV for a lot of sounds on-tap. Then, get a Recto someday for that ultra-scooped sound.
****, that one on ebay musta ended early coz it's not there anymore! I think i'm gonna get one from the states though! Cheers for the replies guys!
Kazak, hey man, I've got no idea dude, but that's awesome you went to Reading, where abouts do you live now!?

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