Carbon Copy volume drop vid

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jb's 52 said:
primeholy said:
Ok. My small stone and my lpb1 do the same thing in the loop. Any sugestions, or is it just something I have to live with?

Could it be V6? That's the effects return stage.
I would think it'd affect ch3 as well, but I ain't an expert.
Guess I will try this next. I'm not too excited about it though since there isn't a lot of room to work with.
primeholy said:
jb's 52 said:
primeholy said:
Ok. My small stone and my lpb1 do the same thing in the loop. Any sugestions, or is it just something I have to live with?

Could it be V6? That's the effects return stage.
I would think it'd affect ch3 as well, but I ain't an expert.
Guess I will try this next. I'm not too excited about it though since there isn't a lot of room to work with.

I know this might be redundant, or maybe I misread. But have you tried calling Mesa about this?
primeholy said:

I do not have that problem at all...Try this:

On the rear panel, the is a knoob called EFX Send Level , deal with it and i think you will "fix" your problem...
Dont know if I like having to do it this way, but I turned down the individual channel volumes and cranked my master and it doesnt drop now. Did get a guy wanting to trade me a boss dd-20 for my cc, but Im pretty basic when it comes to delays so dont know if I would benefit from it , except for the fact that it will work at line level.
Dude, I feel your pain...I've posted on here many times about having volumes drop issues with my 2ch Recto, Roadster and my Mark V when it comes to having delay in the loop...This is what I learned: while every pedal is different, they are not the issue...It's the amp, period...On my Mark V, I have my channel 3 volume set at 9:30 and the effect send level at noon and I don't have any volume drop...Somebody else mentioned it here in this thread, you just have to use the overall master volume to run it...What sucks about this method, while it eliminates volume drops, it limits you and what you can do in relation to the other channels...Some people like to push their channel volumes and barely touch the master volume...Now, for me, I use the extreme mode right now...The whole volume drop thing varies a little from mode to mode...You see, true bypassed pedals will drop more and this happened with my Line6 DL4, which I sold and my Vox Time Machine pedal...Buffered pedals, like Boss, are less effected by this...I run my master volume pretty high, like around 10-11 o'clock...The trick is to find the balance between the channel volume and the master volume...It's the same deal with my Roadster, but not quite as bad...Once you raise the channel master, you lose the balance with the master volume and effect send volume, it's that simple...Hope this helps.