Can the Mark V do THIS?

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Jun 24, 2010
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Hey guys, can the Mark V produce sounds like the ones in the video. I love how the gain all there but so clear and natural. Also if the Mark V is so great then why would ppl still keep buying the Lonestar? Whats the main difference is Tones besides the super heavy gain in the Mark Series. Sorry for being a super Nube. I'm having a hard choice making my mind up. THANKS!!
Nothing so exceptional about those tones. Somewhat normal for a tube amp. I would say a MKV could cover that. Could get a little more clarity but then again the video recorder mic to usually total crap so the amp in the vid probably sounds much better in person. You just have to try amps and buy what you like. MKV is extremely versatile and could be a bit imtimidating to someone new to tweaking a Boogie.

The question about why are people buying the Lonestar when the MKV is there..... Why do people buy Fenders or Suhrs, or Andersons.....
Agreed - the MKV can get that, and then some, on all 3 channels depending on mode, settings and guitar used

As Heritage Softail says, dialing in a Boogie is a journey. The MKV is the most versatile amp I have owned, and the sound in your head is in there - you just need to find it
jdonati17 said:
Hey guys, can the Mark V produce sounds like the ones in the video. I love how the gain all there but so clear and natural. Also if the Mark V is so great then why would ppl still keep buying the Lonestar? Whats the main difference is Tones besides the super heavy gain in the Mark Series. Sorry for being a super Nube. I'm having a hard choice making my mind up. THANKS!!
The Lonestar is an incredible amp and posses the sweetest clean channel the mesa produces . Thats my opinion and im sure its not shared by all here but I have both amps and thats my findings .
Some very nice sounds indeed! I especially liked the mid gain sounds in channel 2 that he achieved while playing a telecaster. I wasn't overly impressed with the channel 2 sounds while he was playing a Gibson Les Paul. Don't get me wrong, he played well, but it sounded a bit dark to me.

I loved the clean sounds I was easily able to achieve in channel 1 of the Lonestar when I owned it. However, for me, channel 2 of the Lonestar lacked what I was after in a high gain sound. I do like the sound "he" achieved in channel 2, but it is not the high gain sound that I am after in an amp....and I don't mean "Metal High Gain" either. Personally, I was not able to get the classic rock crunch and sustaining lead sounds that I was after from channel 2 of the Lonestar.

Can the V achieve the exact same sounds as the Lonestar.....probably not, but the versatility of excellent clean, crunch and high gain footswitchable sounds that the V can deliver are what does it for me, but that is just me.

Why do people still buy the LS you ask? Because it is a badass amp for what it does, and it does it really well! The LS and MkV are really too completely different animals IMO. Both are great, it really just depends on what you are after.
I primarily use the LS with my single coil instruments . Channel 2 does not do what the mark V channel 3 does and was not designed to either . Its a mid gain amp but it can do alot of things and it loves pedals . I put a BB preamp and keely TS9 in front of mine . as MBJunkie mentioned they are different beasts all together but i find i like them both equally but for different reasons .