It will do the mark 1 lead sound very well. No problems there. But crunch mode is a bit different. The JP can't do some of the modes the V has very well. Like tweed and edge. Those voicings are just so different from the lead channels. And crunch mode isn't too different, it's most similar to the c+ mode, but is voiced slightly different. Think of it like this; on your V, using Mark IV mode only, with the GEQ if you want, try to dail in the crunch sound you like. That's what it will be like with the JP2C, you'll have a lead channel that's most similar to the IV's voicing and the same GEQ to dail in a crunch sound. I'm sure you'll find something you like, but you won't be able to sound exactly like crunch mode in either amps lead channel. And a tip for getting a good crunch sound on the JP, keep the treble and mids low, like below 10 o'clock. The tone controls can add a lot of gain, so keeping them low will help tame this beast. Less saturation means means more note definition, and a tighter and more clear crunch sound. Use the very powerful presence control for your brightness.