Calling amp guru's - Mesa DC 2 - Cathode bias or what ??

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Nov 19, 2005
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The Lan Dow Nunda
I need to change the EL84's in my DC2 and as Mesa's are "fixed bias" I was wonderin' if I've just been lucky in the past and bought off the shelf tubes that fell within the correct range or is the DC2 a "self biasing" thingo.

The JJ's I've had in it for a while are sounding a bit flat and lifeless lately so I chucked in an old set of Ruby tubes that had not done much work and the amp came to life.

Can any of you amp techs give me the rundown please. :?:
You got lucky.It is a fixed bias set up.The bias can be changed but you have to change a resistor in the bias supply.
Thanks Stokes.

I think I'll just make it easy for myself and go back to using Mesa EL 84's.

I can put them straight in without rebias. The closest amp tech to me is over an hour away and I don't wanna hafta travel.
gronk62 said:
Thanks Stokes.

I think I'll just make it easy for myself and go back to using Mesa EL 84's.

I can put them straight in without rebias. The closest amp tech to me is over an hour away and I don't wanna hafta travel.

Why not order from Eurotubes ( or somewhere else where they will supply you with the correct specified tubes?
larseko said:
Why not order from Eurotubes ( or somewhere else where they will supply you with the correct specified tubes?

Why not order from Eurotubes? Mostly coz I didn't know they existed till you mentioned them.

Thanks for the link Larseko. I'll check 'em out
Sorry, didn't mean to be sarcastic, I just thought I had seen your avatar earlier and (falsely) assumed you had been hanging around for a while (here). Anyway, Eurotubes is recommended by most people around here, it seems, and I have had nice dealing with them. Bob picked just all the right tubes for my DC-3 and shipped them swiftly. I think the prices are OK too. He tests each tube to cheeck if they are within the right specs.

Best of all, he knows his way about our beloved Mesas. Just check out his retube kits.

Good luck :)
larseko said:
Sorry, didn't mean to be sarcastic, I just thought I had seen your avatar earlier and (falsely) assumed you had been hanging around for a while (here).

Its cool. I knew you weren't bein' sarcastic. I have been a member here for a while but I don't spend much time online here.
I only drop in from time to time and I prolly shoulda done a better search before asking.

I live in Australia and we are limited down here to what we can buy.

I checked out the Eurotubes site and I'll definately be getting a full retube kit from them. It would cost about twice the price to get them from someone here in OZ.

Thanks again

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