Cabinet Question

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2006
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I have a 2 channel Dual Rec. I play it through a Line 6 Flextone cab. I know that the speakers are voiced or whatever to flow with the Cabinet Modeling the Line 6 has. I used to have one of their heads, and I know the cabinet can handle some massive lows. The question is would a Mesa cabinet make my sound better at all, or would it not be worth forking out the money for one. Or could I just buy Mesa speakers? I know the Line 6 cab is decent, but should I consider it?

Also, I may have a master volume problem (kinda off the subject, sorry). I keep seeing everyone posting channel settings and whatever, and I keep seeing like 11 o'clock. Is that normal, or is my amp, screwed up. If I turned mine to 11 it would probably blow my speakers. I have mine at like 9'oclock max, and it rumbles things off my counters and rattles the windows. :shock:
Any thoughts? Thanks.
Regarding your first there something about your current tone you do not like? Different speakers do have different tones, as well as cabinets. In other words the same speakers in different cabinets will yield different tones because of cabinet design, construction, materials. So, sure I would think a Mesa cab would sound different....better is difficult to determine is really your call.

Second ?....I don't have a Dual Rec, but I am getting a 3 ch today actually :)
On the 2 ch version, do you have volume for each channel and then a master? If so, perhaps your channel vol is higher than what others post so then when you match their master it is way louder.
The cabinet is up to you. Try a mesa if you only should switch if you feel there is something wrong with what you have now.

With the volume.....are you playing your at home? Most of the settings guys post here at at gigging volume, or with hotplates, so keep that in mind.
Two things -

The mesa cab is much better build quality but if you aren't going on tour this may not matter.

The mesa cab will sound very different. Both the cabinet itself and the speakers have a huge impact on your overall tone. Changing the speakers is really only 1/2 of the equation.

Neither is better unless you think so and asking here won't change that. Bring your head to a shop with Mesa cabs and try it there is no substitute for the real thing!

Good luck.

FPFL said:
Two things -

The mesa cab is much better build quality but if you aren't going on tour this may not matter.

The mesa cab will sound very different. Both the cabinet itself and the speakers have a huge impact on your overall tone. Changing the speakers is really only 1/2 of the equation.

Neither is better unless you think so and asking here won't change that. Bring your head to a shop with Mesa cabs and try it there is no substitute for the real thing!

Good luck.

I 2nd that good response
but you'll also notice dual rec and I both plays Mesas thru VHT cabs...
something to consider!

FPFL said:
but you'll also notice dual rec and I both plays Mesas thru VHT cabs...
something to consider!

Not to hijack ur thread but what type of speakers do the deliverance cabs have. I have the eminence made VHT p50e speakers.
Yes, I play in the house, but it is as loud at home as it is when we play shows. I was just asking opinions on the cabs, because I the closest store where I could try some cabs is 4.5 hours away. I'll probably end up doing that though. Thanks for all the help though! It did help me.

Guitarzan, do you play on one of those cabs?
dual rec said:
FPFL said:
but you'll also notice dual rec and I both plays Mesas thru VHT cabs...
something to consider!

Not to hijack ur thread but what type of speakers do the deliverance cabs have. I have the eminence made VHT p50e speakers.

The Deliverance cabs have the same speakers but a different cabinet configuration and baffle. I wasn't kidding about the same speakers in different boxes being different!

The group is a great place to read about the difference. I only mention that b/c I've not played the fat bottom cabs myself. I am told the Deliverance cab is ever so slightly looser without being loose and that it has a slightly more vintage voicing overall. I've also read that the Deliverance cab is slightly less directional becuase of how the speakers are mounted.

I originally was running a Deliverance 60 on top of my VHT cab but sold that. I liked it but couldn't dial it in exactly right for me. Auditioning everything I could find the Ace was the easy winner and I discovered that I liked the Ace more with the VHT cab than with the Mesa 4 x 12. I think its the vintage 30s. I just don't like them.

sideburns said:
Guitarzan, do you play on one of those cabs?

Yep! I have one of each. I've yet to find a cab that can handle the DR's bottom end as well as the G-Flex cabs...I've turned the bass up ALL the way and I can't fart these cabs out.
sideburns said:
...Also, I may have a master volume problem (kinda off the subject, sorry). I keep seeing everyone posting channel settings and whatever, and I keep seeing like 11 o'clock. Is that normal, or is my amp, screwed up. If I turned mine to 11 it would probably blow my speakers. I have mine at like 9'oclock max, and it rumbles things off my counters and rattles the windows. :shock:
Any thoughts? Thanks.

Just back off on the channel masters a bit. Turning the main output up really brings the amp to life, with the sweet spot being the 11:00 to 1:00 range, and control overall vol and channel-to-channel balance with the individual masters.

Yeah the recto's are capable of some serious dB's. When I practice at home I can re-arrange my wife's china cabinet (which is upstairs and across the house :shock: ) and the amp is nowhere near maxed out. Dont worry about your speakers...your eardrums will let go first!
NoGlassNoClass, I guess I just don't understand. Should I be using the Loop Active Master as the overall master volume? I have a 2 channel dual rec. Each channel has a master volume. So what knob would be the Main output?
I missed the part about it being a 2-ch. If you engage the loop and use the loop-active master as a main output, you can balance your channels with their respective master-vol controls and set your overall vol with the loop-active master. There may be a loop-level control on the back of the amp which also affects vol with the loop engaged (not sure...mine is a 3-ch) which I would probably set at around 12:00-1:00 for starters.

Set the loop-active master around 11:00 and balance your channel vol's (this will be quite loud!), then you can back off on the loop-active to get the vol you want while maintaining the balance between channels.

Using the loop in this way has a slight effect on tone...some folks like it some dont...but it makes controlling the amp much easier, especially playing live.

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