Cabinet Options

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I have two crown XLS power amps for my PA. Very cool amps that can be chained together with built in crossover, basically programmable filters. Sends the mid - high cabs the correct frequencies and the same for the subs. Very good company. Really fast response when I have asked questions. I sent them a question late last night. The answer was in my email this morning. I hit them with the 16 ohm question. All their amps will handle 16 ohm. Brand new XLS 1502 will do 175 watts at 16 ohm for $399. Plus they are about 11 lbs. That's real nice.

So there are options.
I did the cab split. Used an old but very nice Yamaha power amp I had laying around. I'm not sure if I like it. It works exactly how I thought it would chorus and all :?: but I like the tone I get with the cabs normal. The system is easily undone or just bypassed to run the cabinets like they were. I'll try it again tomorrow so it was neat to do but I'll see.

I'm a little bummed. The chorus mushed up the tone even though there was the unaffected speakers. At least I didn't throw any money at it to check it out. :)

I'll think about this for a bit. There are other options, like a couple of 1X12 wide body cabs under the 2x12 verts. and there is always, leave it alone.... :p
I thing I am on the leave it alone wagon for now. I have done too much "gotta make it better" than I care to admit.

I have not tried using the Mark V as a master to a slave. I have done so with the Mark IV (master) to Mark III (slave). I have also used a stereo delay to drive the Mark V and Mark IV. Sounded cool but really noisy when setting up when one amp is on standby and other is not. Using this method, I found out how robust my line 6 delay pedal was... that did not work out for very long as a trace on the circuit board inside the delay pedal fused open. It was easy to repair but not best method for stereo (used mono input to stereo out, fault occurred while the pedal was in hard bypass mode). However, driving two different amps at the same time with one guitar signal sounded really good and addicting, that was until the pedal failed.
Morning before the gig, popped the cabs open and soldered everything back to normal. Simple and defined tone, no chorus only the modulation from the MXR Carbon Copy.

I did run the Main output about 2/3 open with the channels just barely cracked on so the amp was singing.
Greetings! I am new to this forum and love it! I have been browsing topics , very timely, so I'll just ask here respectfully. I relate to a lot of what is said in this thread. Very cool. I have been a Boogie owner for over 30 yrs and I feel ashamed to ask but is it always safe to plug a cab of more impedence than what the amp speaker jack says? Example, is it safe to put an 8ohm cab into a 4ohm jack? Not a 4ohm load into an 8ohm jack? I have benn putting 8ohm loads into both of my Boogie 4ohm jacks. ( MKIIC+ and 2:90 ). While I'm here I'll ask, I recently put a Boss chorus pedal in MKIIC+ effects loop along with a Boss EQ. The eq has always been there. Question is , when I turn the rate and depth knobs all the way counterclockwise, it gives this cool, ambient sound. Are there other pedals out there that can do this instead of a chorus pedal?Thanx for your time! James
Henz, For the speaker impedance question, I would refer to the manual. If my pea brain still has questions I email or call the Boogie Shop or I ask when I stop in. I do know that Boogie amps take mismatches very well but I always refer to the manual.

As for the Chorus question. I have a Boss chorus I use in my small gig-rig. I'm going to give the "turn the rate and depth knobs all the way counterclockwise" thing a try.

I am using a Strymon Blue Sky chorus with my Mark V rig. After I wrote in this post I bit the bullet and invested a little cash to get the system I had in my head. All I can say is WOW!!! Having the un-chorused cabinets running from the Mark V left the tone I love alone. Using the CabClone to the bottom cabinets with the stereo chorus. Huge...Huge sound. But when I turn the chorus off the tone remains as if I didn't add two cabinets running from a different power amp. I did try using the Slave out instead of the CabClone but the tone was, for me, undesirably bright. I had that "Yep I just kicked on the chorus" sound.
Thanx for the reply. Im gonna have to e-mail and ask about the impedence issue. Wow! You have an awesome rig. I'd love to hear it. How is the CabClone hooked to your MK5? Slaving it? I'm gonna have to look up CabClones. I , too, probably all guitarists, have a tone in my head that I'm searchin' for. How do you like your MK5? One day I'm gonna be getting a new Boogie. I was leaning towards the RoadKing. The kind J. Petrucci uses. I need lots of headroom with my gain settings. Have a great day! James
The CabClone is plugged into one of the 8 ohm speaker outs on the amp. The thru of the CabClone goes to one of the 2X12 Vert. Cabs. The Balanced signal from the CabClone is converted to an unbalanced 1/4 in. jack and sent to the Chorus and Reverb. There are two "Hum" eliminators and a few more pedals in front of the amp but it has very little to no hiss.

The sound is unbelievable. And there is a bonus... Between the Mark V broadcasting the smallest of inaccuracies and the ability of this system to project every little thing in stereo. It will engage the "You Suck" if you don't keep your chops up.