Cab questions

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Jan 19, 2007
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Im getting a new cab just had a few questions. Is there much sound difference between a slant and straight recto cab? Right now I have a 2x12 horizontal rec cab, thinking about adding another or just getting a 4x12. What would be the sound difference between 2 2x12's compared to 1 4x12?

Thanks in advance.
some people say the straight has more bass. I can't really confirm this, but if it's true, the only possible explanation I can think of to attest for this is that there is more space inside the cab for bass waves to bloom out.

Aside from that unconfirmed info, the only true difference is the slant allows you to hear yourself better since the speakers point at you.
What are you going to be pushing the 4x12 and 2x12 with? I have a Rectoverb and pushed 2 x12 rectifier with it. I just picked up a Dual and 4x12 cab. Thought was, combine the 4x12 and 2x12, and It'd sound awesome! I even posted a picture of it here...

Point is I have since unmarried the two. I can't drive both at a volume that might effect the sound. This weekend I'm taking both cabs to an auditorium where I can turn the Dual loose! I'll have a better idea then. I plan on filming it to for Youtube so I'll even have "sound clips."

I have no intention of getting rid of the 2x12. I like the Dual through the standard 4x12 slant. But have also played through the straight cab and liked those. It's all a matter of personal taste, trail and error. The 2x12 sounds awesome with the Dual BTW. Very similar to the 4x12 slant.
you might want to look into a ported or vented cab. A good ported 2x12 IMO can match the volume levels of a 4x12 even though you have 2 less speakers pushing air.... the freda live cabs and the port city wave cabs are great examples of that..... also combining a ported cab with a mesa 2x12 will give you the best of both world.... mesa 2x12 for super tight, super punchy response.... ported 2x12 for a huge bass response, huge round tones that are still just as tight and articulate as the mesa 2x12..... kind of like the older split mesa cabs that were open on top and closed on the bottom... except with cabs like freda or port city, where the vent is on the front you dont loose all the volume in the back of the cab