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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
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..so what I thought was going to be the best day of my life other than buying and getting the c+ the first time, turned into a mess. I got my boogie back from boogie today (which was packaged in my opinion like ****) and the transformer closest to the shielded tube is bent. And I mean it is bent enough to where I can't put the shield back on with the tube in the socket (V1). So on top of it all boogie is closed, ups is no help at all and all I want to do is play my baby that I havn't seen in 6wks. I am just upset here! Does anyone know if it is an actual problem to play with the shield off of V1? Also am I the only one who has had a half-*** pack job from boogie? Thanks for listening to that.
From looking at pics of my chassis, it is a tight squeeze on any simul C+. Are there any signs of damage to the OT? If not, you could take it loose from the chassis and bend the mounting "ears" a bit to gain some clearance. If there are any signs of transformer damage, do not plug this amp in. Take some pics just to cover your ***. Good luck!
JOEY B. said:
From looking at pics of my chassis, it is a tight squeeze on any simul C+. Are there any signs of damage to the OT? If not, you could take it loose from the chassis and bend the mounting "ears" a bit to gain some clearance. If there are any signs of transformer damage, do not plug this amp in. Take some pics just to cover your ***. Good luck!

yeah I will definately take some pics..but I am not 'amp tech' inclined whatsoever. I don't really want to fiddle with ****. There is no real serious damaged from what I can tell other than that. I actually didn't even notice it until I had already loaded the amp into the headshell. Gimme a few mins and I will post some pics up for you to see.
Alright here are the pictures; I kind of think when Mike was putting the amp back together that he might have put the transformer in the wrong holes. Because when I was taking it apart to try and fix the mount ears, I discovered 2 more holes. The holes closest to V1 is what it was originally mounted in..but when I put is back together in the other holes it created enough space for V1 again. You can see in the pictures how close the tranformer appears if it would be in the holes he put it in. The olny question is ..that by putting the screws in the 2nd holes (1mm maybe from the original holes) could I possibly of fuckt up and now I might fry something when I turn it on..PLEASE I need help from anyone who knows what they are talking about!!! Boogie Babies?? BTW thank you already joey b.

When you put the screws in just be sure they dont pinch any wires inside and you should be fine.It looks like whoever put the tranny back used the wrong holes.Do you know why the chassis has extra holes?Or if they were there when you sent the amp to them?Why did you send it to them in the first place.I only ask because I've had 2 people bring me Boogies recently that werent happy with the work Mesa did,and also complained about the way the chassis was packed,chassis in one box with foam peanuts.
BINGO! That was Mike B who last worked on it! I sent it to get the tube sockets replaced which I am sure he did a good job..I wouldn't know because I am afraid to power it on with this dilema. He may have removed the tranformer when he had it on the bench..I sent it to him w/out tubes so whoever at boogie put it back together, I seriously think they put it in the wrong spot. I am just afraid that where I put it, the screws might be touching a trace. I used the same screws..it's just I am not skilled enough to take the preamp circuit board out to see underneath where the transformer screws are coming in. Oh yeah It was packaged horribly..especially since I work a GC in the shipping and I see how they package things w/only peanuts. I was pissed they let a rare amp like that (chasis only) go across the country with hardly **** in a (Small) box.
I would guess that Mike B doesnt actually do the work on all the amps they get in,especially for something like changing tube sockets.You are probably right about somebody using the wrong holes to replace it.I would guess that now you have them in the right holes,since the sheild is able to be put on and off,so it is probable that the screw isnt touching anything.If it is,that is what the fuse is for,right?
I guess...I am an amp guy not a tech guy LOL. I seriously still haven't turned it on yet beacause of that reason and I want to know for sure..lol. And I have had it for more than 5hrs.
Okay,but unless you can have someone actually look at it in person and tell you for sure,from this distance I can only tell you it seems logical that you now have the right holes,they were likely used before and nothing was shorting,fire it up and hope the fuse dont blow.I understand your concerns and you are right to be so,but you havent played the amp in 6+ weeks,sooner or later the itch will get to you and you will try it,so like I said if you have nobody to look in there for you.... If you look at the distance between the two holes they are very close,so if it was touching in one it would probably be touching in the other,right?
I fired it up...sound amazing except there is a constant 60/40 buzz in the tone. It even buzzes on cleans..tried tubes, plugs and grounding switch..
You didn't find a small square of ply/wood floating in the packaging ?
Got a full shot of the chassis \ tranny\tube side ?
Buddy said:
You didn't find a small square of ply/wood floating in the packaging ?

really in all honesty..I am suprised worse didn't happen. I am serious. Thankfully I (like a cheap ***) 3 day aired it. I couldn't imagine it spending another night on the road in some strangers hands. And to think mesa actually suggested that I send the mullards w/ it; probably so they could say they broke in shipping so they could tac on another fee for tubes.
No . there is a chunk of wood jammed between the transformer(PT) and that choke .
It's a buzz/hum reduction chunk . It may have popped loose on shipping or at boogie .
I kid you not . :lol: I don't know the official tech term for it .......
Stonge,Buddy isnt kidding.Although I have seen some amps without it,they didnt seem to suffer without it,it would keep a vibrating tranny dampened.Just a small 1"X 1/2" or so piece of wood,just enough to fit tightly between the choke and tranny.
stokes said:
Stonge,Buddy isnt kidding.Although I have seen some amps without it,they didnt seem to suffer without it,it would keep a vibrating tranny dampened.Just a small 1"X 1/2" or so piece of wood,just enough to fit tightly between the choke and tranny.
Here's a pic of my simul class C+ and you can clearly see the piece of wood between the Power transformer and the small one, which I have no idea what is there for :D
gts said:
Stonge if you are concerned about the depth of the screws hurting or touching a trace try this...

Take a toothpick and put it in the screw hole til it touches something. Once it's touching use a pencil and mark the toothpick next to the chasis. This will tell you how deep it's in the hole.

Hold this marked toothpick next to your screw. If the threads on the screw are shorter than where the toothpick is marked then it's unlikely the screw will touch anything once screwed into that hole.

Repeat for the other holes and other screws....

I know you've reattached the tranny but just in case you were/ are still concerned try this method.


thank you for the advice and the re post of my pics. It seems to be mounted fine now that I fixed it. Although I have never had that piece of wood on my chasis between the 2 transformers. Also that wasn't the transformer that i was talking about. They only problem I have now is that my amp is buzzing like crazy. I think it is because of the shitty wiring in my house. Because I tried my markIV and marshalls in the same plugs and still I have an uncontrollable buzz. The only reason I am asking is because there is a screw underneath the transformer that is touching it and I was wondering if there is some kind of grounding that I might of disturbed when moving **** around. It seems the screw doesn't go to anything. It is just there to make contact with the tranny. I am not at my house right now but I will post some pics of the screw I am talking about if it doesn't ring a bell.
Did the amp have the hum problem before you sent it to Mesa?Try it and your other amps in a different location to be sure it is related to the outlet.If it is related to the outlet it would indicate a bad ground in that outlet.I would have to open up my IIC+ to see if there is some ground connection that might have been disturbed by removing those screws,nothing comes to mind right now.If I get some time I'll take a look.Dont be so quick to blame yourself,it could very well have been someone at Mesa who left or knocked something loose.Like I said,I doubt Mike B would have changed those sockets himself,I'm sure the days are long gone when Mike B did all/most of the repairs,Mesa has become too big a manufacturer for one guy to do it all.
Having installed simulclass trannies into MarkIIs with 50w and 100w OTs, I learned that the simulclass OT has a bigger footprint and needs a pair of new holes. If your amp is a stock C+, it may not have been stock simulclass to begin with.

As the output section is directly above, it could be that with the length of screws Mesa uses there's a solder pad for a resistor 2-3mm directly above the screw, with the bias voltage running through it (has happened to me). I'd look to see if there's any silver bits showing through the hole, by shining a torch under the circuit board on the other side. Never hurts to be safe. You can then put a piece of insulating material between and secure it with double sided tape.

The usual applies: discharge filter caps before sticking your body parts inside the amp.

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