Yes, the tone will definately get better after playing it a while. If you have a looper you could play a phrase at low volume overnight and it would sound much better in the morning.
I used to do upgrades to high end CD players for people using the very same opamps. another thing you could do (but there's no space) is power the opamp independantly with it's own supply by bending the +/- supply pins away from the socket and build a small linear supply, this would allow it to draw power independantly, devolved from the main board and again would sound better.
I used to do this as well as run them in class A by connecting a resistor between two of the pins but I forget which ones as all my notes are back in Scotland.
The bridge rectifier on the Triaxis could be swapped out for high speed shottky diodes, again this yeild a surprising difference is sound quality.
There is a few obvious mods that could be done to this unit, the only problem is lack of space.