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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2007
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How do these amps stack up compared to others? the first time I ever even heard of the brand name was last night... anyone ever play one or know how they compare to boogies? do they resemble another amp brand?
I've heard horror stories about these amps blowing up... I'm pretty sure there was a thread on this forum a week or so. Maybe do a search. Also, I saw some pretty horrible reviews on Harmony Central. May want to check that out as well.
mechanic said:
I've heard horror stories about these amps blowing up...
It must have been built by insurgence, and the moral is don't pickup free-amp on the road side. :D
Sorry can't resist.
From what I've heard, they sound good, but have the life expectancy of a grenade.

Buy at your own risk, and don't pretend like you weren't warned.
Aren't they Behringer's entrance to the tube amp realm?

Behringer makes some decent products like the FCB and some of their stuido rack gear is ok, but I wouldn't expect anything spectacular from them.
there is a harmony central thread with some great pics of one of the horror stories.... within 2 hours that amp went down and out
I have a Bugera 6260, 2 months down and it's sounding very sweet XD
*No Mark IV but for Melodic Death it's bloody insane :)
How good can an amp be for $500.00 or less?
They don't compare to Mesa's at all.
Mesa vs. Bugera = Cadillac vs. VW Bug- no comparison

Low-End Amps are fine for those on a limited budget. The amps won't last long and when they break, will cost highly to repair. Low-End amps do offer bang for the immediate buck- like a disposable razor.
EMGguitarist said:
How do these amps stack up compared to others? the first time I ever even heard of the brand name was last night... anyone ever play one or know how they compare to boogies? do they resemble another amp brand?

Funny that you should ask, because my local mom&pop just got one it yesterday, and i was there TODAY !

I tested this model :


It is the 5150-clone !!!

The other model they make is the JSX Satriani clone.

My cousin had a 5150 2x12 60W combo for two years, so i could compare the Bugera with that model.
However, i could not crank this amp, except for a mere 30sec's untill the owner himself came out of the office with the most condecending face and tone of voice (...and i am mid-30's), that i nearly left, but decided to stay even longer just to make sure . . . ahhh, nevermind !!!

OK, so the amp looks real cheap and plastic'y from the outside.
Even the name on the grill is a solid blob of fake-plastic !
I taped on it very lightly w. my nail, and scratched the 'silver', from the surface - ooops, sorry !

From afar, the amps looks OK, and on a stage, it might just look mean, and buisiness-like ! But do not get closer than 12ft from it, and you will see the all the cheap corner-cutting technique that was used to save on costs.

The Tone IS very close to that of the 5150 that i can remember.
NOT 100% spot-on, but closer than any pedal will ever give you !
The one thing that DID IMPRESS me was the EQ knobs. Very responsive, and with a VEY GOOD USEFULL sweep !!!
Like i said, i could not crank it, so at very, very high TV Volume, it sounded like a 5150, although it could have sounded better (I HOPE) as i played through a Behringer 4x12. So one can assume (or atleast hope) that with a GOOD cab, it might sound a wee bit better !
The only other aspect that did impress me was the effectiveness of the "PRESENCE" knob. It actually worked, and and very well at that !
Dare i say, even better than the real 5150 that i knew for two years, mmmmm !

The tone is still tight like that of a 5150, and there is no need for extra external gain, because this thing has enough !
The foofswitch is pure plastic - typical of their stomp boxes (...yes, THAT bad). One would think, that it will not last very long - AT ALL !

I am sure that this amp would be a GREAT back-up amp to any 5150 rig.
Don't they sell for something like $400.00, or something !
And it will also work as a fantastic beginner, high-gain amp, for the youngsters, who want the tone/gain, but do not want a Line6 Spider/Bandit, or other S/S amp.

How long will it last ?
I have no idea?

OK, so i hope this helps !

sirjack makes a very good point.... for 400-500 and you have a real tube amp? for a kid just starting out or moving up from a little 5 watt amp, but cant afford a marshall, mesa, peavey, the bugera is a great option... im sure they'll get better in terms of quality after this first run..... and from what i hear they sound pretty good.... i'm sure with some better tubes, an eq pedal and a better cab than the bugera cabs, it would sound pretty sweet .... wait isnt that we all do here with our boogies, new tubes, eq in the loop and better cabs? :shock: .... at the end of the day your going to get plastic for 500 but if it sounds good and they can improve on reliability then they found themselves a very nice niche ..... better IMO than some of the modelling amps at that price because even the decent to good modellers cost you more than that
IMO, smart money for a newer player is to buy a used DC-5 or F-series rather than the crap coming out of China these days.
I think the Bugera's have there own sound, you won't get it from a Mesa if you don't want a Mesa, it's simple XD
*Sounds like a 5150 atleast the 6260 does* But either way they have a place, if it's beginners moving into Tubes for the first time it may be a good chance to explores the nuances of Tubes before deciding exactly what they want
madryan said:
IMO, smart money for a newer player is to buy a used DC-5 or F-series rather than the crap coming out of China these days.

true but how many beginners know about those amps?
jdurso said:
madryan said:
IMO, smart money for a newer player is to buy a used DC-5 or F-series rather than the crap coming out of China these days.

true but how many beginners know about those amps?


I have to think every time i read something like mesa DC - then i have to remind me that is stands forDual Calliber.
I am in my 30's, and i only became fully aware of the Mesa brand after EVERY MAN & HIS DOG wanted to sound like KORN.
And even then, i only knew the Road kings !
Where i come from, KORN did SOOoooo much to put the Mesa name on the map, it is just not true !
Even know, i only know the current line of Mesa amps, and the F-series, Sub Way, and Blue Angel.

If someone talks about any other Mesa, i have google it, to look at the specs & see what it looks like.

So what will a 16-18 year old know about discont. Mesa's ???

Makes you think, doesn't it !?
SirJackdeFuzz said:
If someone talks about any other Mesa, i have google it, to look at the specs & see what it looks like.

So what will a 16-18 year old know about discont. Mesa's ???

Makes you think, doesn't it !?

Very true. I'm a 21 yr old Mesa player fresh to the table and when guys start talking about Mark II and some with C's and something about a green stripe, I get absolutely lost. I'm only familiar with their current lineup and some of the older ones such as trem o verbs and mavericks and things like that. Similarly, when people talk about some sort of G-system controller thing with the TC electronics thing I zone out cause I'm still using pedals and 1/4" cables for my effects. I'm MIDI-retarded and rack retarded as well. I understand the concept but start talking about it like its common knowledge and I'm back to google and wikipedia...

Good point about the younger crowd SirJacked - Kudos well earned 8)
I have to admit that when I was 13 (I'm 28 now), I read about Mesas in GW, but forgot about them shortly after. The lack of quality guitar stores in this area got me thinking that Crate tube amps were high end, and Marshall was "botique". So the younger crowd may not know anything about some of these great discontinued amps, and are more likely inclined to go with something like a Bugera based on price alone.

But with the popularity of the internet now, and forums such as this one, Guitargeek, and TGP, I think that if someone wants to, they can find any information they need on just about any amp, if they are wanting to put the time and effort into it. The problem is that some people aren't that internet saavy, and trips to music stores are how some people get their information - from the guys who are selling the gear trying to make money.
mikey383 said:
I have to admit that when I was 13 (I'm 28 now), I read about Mesas in GW, but forgot about them shortly after. The lack of quality guitar stores in this area got me thinking that Crate tube amps were high end, and Marshall was "botique". So the younger crowd may not know anything about some of these great discontinued amps, and are more likely inclined to go with something like a Bugera based on price alone.

But with the popularity of the internet now, and forums such as this one, Guitargeek, and TGP, I think that if someone wants to, they can find any information they need on just about any amp, if they are wanting to put the time and effort into it. The problem is that some people aren't that internet saavy, and trips to music stores are how some people get their information - from the guys who are selling the gear trying to make money.

also to add to that.... most younger kids are computer/internet savy but when it comes to gear, unless they have someone guiding them to the right stuff, they fall into the trap that GC and Sam Ash setup for them.... the traps that people in the know dont fall for (like the crates, b52s, raven amps of the industry)..... and not that its malicious on their part but its part of the business.... what GC is going to stock used Mesa's for those kids... sell them a crate or SS Marshall and call it a day because most kids that age only want to hit a power chord with a metal zone infron tof their little fender..... at least the buger, if they can get their act together with reliability, is a great alternative to the price tags of a good amp..... i wish there was a way when i first started out to get information such as the boogie board, but even then thinking back i probably wouldnt have a clue what we pass off as jargon when i was 13 or 14.... we'd confuse the hell out of them... hey i still get confused with all the revisions of the rectos and stripes of the marks (i just learned last week what class a is)
This all sounds familiar!!!!!!
I'd say they are good sounding..not the best or worse..
My guyitarist bought the 333xl and he digs it...for the money he's very satisfied.