Boutique hype & the real deal

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Mar 18, 2005
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First of all, I'm new to this forum. This is my first post here. After a short stindt with digital modeling(although it has it's purpose) I'm back to tube tone again. I've been playing for 23 years and have owned many amps.
I've owned two Boogies DC-5 and DR. I recently went on what my bass player and I call AMP QUEST 2005. I told him I will be buying a keeper for life. Although we will alway make additions to the family.
I tried this week a Badcat, a Marshall TSL 60, a THD Flexi and a Rectoverb. Hands down no question who the winner of this weeks quest.
The Mesa Rectoverb. Could'nt believe what I was hearing on the raw mode. Classic Rock revisited. And the clean was so fun doing the blues thing(Hendrix etc...). It was also cheaper than the others by a long shot. So folks, when you think someone has got the upper hand on
your tone. Just look to your own gear and really listen before you drop
$3000 for that MAGIC boutique amp. After all, who's been doing it longer
and who is the GRANDFATHER of boutique. Randall Smith. Case closed.
Happy Days Again
I think a lot of the boutique hype has something to do with: "I got more money than you got. And I have a more expensive amp, so that makes me a better player". I don't know, the only boutique amp I might consider buying would be a Diezel vh4, but I still think it is way too expensive, and I know it would make me sound like crap. But I love that distortion it has... 8)
Your right about the original bootik - "dam that amp's got a mess o boogie!"
Anyway with their build quality and price, many Mesa' s are bootik in my opinion.

I'm curious about your thoughts on the Bad Cat however. Which model(s) did you try? Those Bad Cats sure do get some rave reviews and I have been kind of wanting to try one to see what all the fuss is about. I just can't find any locally to try....

Talk to me.
I think people are afraid to spend less than $1200 on a piece of gear these days. "If Guitar Center sells it, it must suck." - I've actually heard people say that! BTW, GC sells Boogies and they don't suck!

My advice - play everything, and buy what YOU think sounds best. Trust your ears, not your pride or your checkbook.
yea, screw names....i dont play a mesa because its a mesa, i play it cuz it sounds **** good... and if i could find a $300 SS crate that could sound that good then id get that! :lol:
Hail, Randall Smith.

While the booteek name does get thrown around alot. I think that if it works, its good.
I play a MIK wolfgang. Is it as good as its 2500us Custom shop counterpart? No.
Does it do a **** fine job as being a **** fine guitar? hell yes.
cvansickle said:
Trust your ears, not your pride or your checkbook.

I might add, trust your ears, vs the schematic of the amp you think you love.

Everyone raves about "Class A" this and that. Dumbles are Class AB and I don't hear Larry Carlton or Robben Ford complaining.

The Fuchs Overdrive or a nice Two Rock would be nice for a long time Boogie owner to audition.
The Fuchs Overdrive or a nice Two Rock would be nice for a long time Boogie owner to audition.

It's funny you mention those two, I've been gassin lately and those are at the top of my list. But every time I come home from my fusion rehearsal or fall a sleep with that rock gig ringing in my head I just smile and say, "Who needs them".

Someday though I may have to give in. Creamy tone this, creamy tone that, it's getting more and more difficult to resist. Luckily I have a couple of dealers close by, someday I'm going to drag my rig down to one of those and do a side by side.

chedgeco... 8)

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