Bought a used Triple Rectifier, experiencing a weird problem

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Dec 23, 2012
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I bought a used triple rectifier solo head with a standard 4x12 rectifier cab about a month ago. When I plugged it in before I bought it, everything sounded good and fine. The guy I bought it off told me he was getting rid of it to downgrade to something a little smaller and get a Blackstar, so he would have something more practical for his purposes. He had all the paperwork, warranty and everything with it, and he told me he also got it off a guy on Craigslist. The warranty says it was effective January of 2002 so it's not a brand new amp here and it's probably been around the block a couple of times.

He told me he got all brand new tubes before he was selling it so everything was gonna be ready to go by the time I got it. I've been noticing lately that the amp sounds fuzzy. It's especially noticeable when I play higher notes, it's got this really grainy sound to it. I have cranked up the volume on this amp, I never play it too quiet. The notes also sound like they're almost dead, no sustain or power behind them. I've used other guitars and had a friend play on it so I know it's not a personal problem. And I've only set the gain to about 1 or 2 o'clock, and 3 a couple times only with the treble set back like the manual says.

The bias switch is correct, using 6L6 tubes. For the first week or so I played with it on the silicon diodes and then switched to vacuum tubes. I have toggled between spongy and bold, and usually keep the send and mix levels to normal.

The guy I bought it off of gave me a Neutrik cable for the cab and somebody told me that was not the right cable to use, I really doubt that is the problem but I'm gonna try and give all the information I can.

Where I think I went wrong, is when setting up the amp I would forget to connect the cab to the head and would be playing it for a few minutes, toggling with the volume then realize it wasn't plugged in. This is my first time owning a head and cab so it's just something I'm not used to doing but I finally drove it into my memory to remember that. I heard that can mess your amp up pretty bad. Is that true?

Has anyone else ever gone through this problem? I've been doing some research for a while and haven't found anyone else complaining about this "fuzzy" sound I'm getting. So I'm wondering if because it's been owned twice before me if I bought a bad head OR cab or if it's just a tube problem. It seems like it should just be a tube problem but the previous history worries me. I dropped the head off at a local amp tech store, they're really good with mesas. I'm on a month waiting list just because of how busy they are, so should I just leave it in their hands or could anyone confirm this as an easy fix? I have a gig in two weeks, I didn't want to risk continuing to play it and damage the amp even more but playing on a Line6 75 watt just isn't the same.

I know this is a lot to read but I wanted to make sure I covered everything, your time is much appreciated!
bloodwhore said:
The guy I bought it off of gave me a Neutrik cable for the cab and somebody told me that was not the right cable to use, I really doubt that is the problem but I'm gonna try and give all the information I can.

Is it a speaker cable or an instrument cable?

Where I think I went wrong, is when setting up the amp I would forget to connect the cab to the head and would be playing it for a few minutes, toggling with the volume then realize it wasn't plugged in. This is my first time owning a head and cab so it's just something I'm not used to doing but I finally drove it into my memory to remember that. I heard that can mess your amp up pretty bad. Is that true?

You can destroy the output transformer. Mesa's are pretty resilient so if it's only happened a couple of times for short periods of time it's probably not the problem.

Has anyone else ever gone through this problem? I've been doing some research for a while and haven't found anyone else complaining about this "fuzzy" sound I'm getting.

I'm leaning towards the power tubes being shot. I don't really put a lot of faith in someone saying they just dropped $100 on an amp they plan on selling. If you want to keep things simple buy a new set of Mesa labeled ones, jam them in and fire the amp back up.
screamingdaisy said:
bloodwhore said:
The guy I bought it off of gave me a Neutrik cable for the cab and somebody told me that was not the right cable to use, I really doubt that is the problem but I'm gonna try and give all the information I can.

Is it a speaker cable or an instrument cable?

Instrument. I'm glad I came to this board because since you brought that up I looked up the damage mixing those up could cause. I'm not sure why the guy selling it to me thought that was a good idea.

Has anyone else ever gone through this problem? I've been doing some research for a while and haven't found anyone else complaining about this "fuzzy" sound I'm getting.

I'm leaning towards the power tubes being shot. I don't really put a lot of faith in someone saying they just dropped $100 on an amp they plan on selling. If you want to keep things simple buy a new set of Mesa labeled ones, jam them in and fire the amp back up.

I'm definitely gonna go get new tubes though, and a speaker cable. Thanks a lot for your help, hopefully this will work.

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