Boogies Owners: Rectifier tubes?!?!

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ibanez4life SZ!

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2006
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Hey guys!

Just need some opinions here!

I've had my dual recto for a little over 4 months now, and it is truly a beautiful amp.

I'm don't feel the need to swap the preamp or poweramp tubes yet, as I'm going to start experimenting when my amp actually need the new tubes.....I'll give it another 4-6 months of so.

But, I've heard amazing things about the JJ GZ34 Rectifier tubes.....I'm very happy with the tone I have from my current preamp and poweramp tubes (stock mesas), but have heard that the GZ34's really tighten up the amp a bit in the rectifier setting....this is the only complaint I could possibly have.

So, in your opinions, would it be worth the $28 to swap in the rectifier tubes with the stock mesas? Are the reliable tubes? Is there difference that great? Any help would be great!
i don't know those tubes, but the old coke bottle mesa tubes are really good. and if you get str420's even better. i don't have experience with JJ's.
I forgot to mention the other rectifier models also! Those are definitely an option also!

I have heard the other mesa rectifiers are very good (mesa has 2 other ones....5U4G and a Chinese GZ34)....mine came stock with the 5U4GB short rectifier tubes.....

And what exactly are the STR-420's? Mine came stock with 440's.....
The GZ34s' really do fall right between the characteristics of your stock rectifier tubes and the silicon diodes option. How much so? Not enough for me to purchase another set! They do tighten things up a bit, yet are'nt as stiff as the diodes! It's only $28 bucks, give em a shot if your to that point of finding your tone!
jbird said:
The GZ34s' really do fall right between the characteristics of your stock rectifier tubes and the silicon diodes option. How much so? Not enough for me to purchase another set! They do tighten things up a bit, yet are'nt as stiff as the diodes! It's only $28 bucks, give em a shot if your to that point of finding your tone!
str 420's are these small power tubes that sound very "sweet." Classic old rectifier sound. they're discontinued though, but on ebay. I've read they last less tho..they're a lot clearer than the 440's in my 3ch.
ibanez4life SZ! said:
So have you guys gone back to stock rectifier tubes? Or still with the GZ34's?
For whatever it matters, yes the GZ34's have remained in my Dual Rec, but that does'nt mean I'm sold on 'em! Just getting my $28 bucks out of 'em! :wink: I'll soon go back the stock Mesa offerings.
Uhh, oh ya, when I say stock offering, I'm talking the 5U4G's that came stock in my '00 two channel model! The stock offering these days are the smaller 5U4GB's, which are actually a little "saggier" than the 5U4G's! Sorry for the confusion. :oops: Refer to the tube reference page on the Mesa sight. :idea:
I switched back to the mesa's because I had a bad rectifier tube, Bob from Eurotubes sent me another one for free but I've been busy as hell with work so I haven't put them back in yet.
I got jj gz34's and I think they totally rock. Go tot he Eurotube site and look around, there's a good description for every tube offered there, so you should be able to find exactly what you're looking for.
I think I might give the 5U4G's a try (the larger, coke bottle tubes)....they seem to be the better of the rectifier tubes in the mesa lineup....

But for $28, maybe the JJ's are worth a shot.

Any other opinions are welcome!

The STR420s sound nice also. Does anyone else have any info to share on them?
I have the JJ GZ34's in my Triple and LOVE 'em. Have also tried the Mesa 5AR4 (Chinese) with similar results. Neither really changes the tone of your amp, more how it "feels" if that makes any sense. Your audience will never know the difference, but you definately will.
ibanez4life SZ! said:
The JJ's are a bit cheaper....are the Mesa rectifiers worth the extra money?
Do you want all of your tubes to have the Mesa name on them? Do you want a tube with a six month warranty? Do you want to void your amp's warranty?
All good points...

Though I don't understand the warranty will they ever know I used different tubes?