BoogieMKIIB converstion

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Active member
Aug 31, 2009
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Check out this thread. Is it possible to convert a IIB to a IIC+? From what I've read you would pretty much have to gut the entire pre-amp section, and there is too much of a difference in the amp circuit to make a IIB into a C+. Any amp guru's out there care to chime in?
I spoke with Mike Bendinelli (sp?) at Mesa about this. He's the one who does the mod. He's been there a long time. I've got a IIB combo that I'm interested in getting some work done on.

The mod includes improving the effects loop, placing the reverb relay after the preamp (think that's it...he says it makes the reverb more uniform between lead and clean channels, which is why I'm most interested), tightening and adding gain to the lead, and taking some of the spike out of the treble. There was more (he's a really nice guy and very into his craft)...but that's what I remember.

It's been described as a "poor man's IIC+"...more gain than the C and less than the C+. I'm real interested, but am concerned about losing the transparent aspect of the gain. I've been into using it at 4-5, lately. Blues and country. I'd like to add a little tightness to the bass in the lead channel, though. I think it's $300 plus tax and shipping. For more $$$ he'll totally clean it up for you. Capacitors/tubes/the whole shebang.

I have yet to hear anybody say anything but great things about the mod.
gts said:
Echo21 said:
Check out this thread. Is it possible to convert a IIB to a IIC+? From what I've read you would pretty much have to gut the entire pre-amp section, and there is too much of a difference in the amp circuit to make a IIB into a C+. Any amp guru's out there care to chime in?
That amp is legit. It's for sale here as well by a member of the boogie board (he has a different user ID here).
Search the classifieds you'll find it.

As for currently being able to mod a IIB to a C+, it can't be done.
The pre-amp circuit board needed to make them a C+ is no longer available.
But a couple of dozen IIB's were made into C+'s many years ago before Mesa out of the pre-amp boards.

Read this thread if you haven't:
ahhhh...this one's a true C+ conversion.

No...they don't do them, anymore. But Mike still does the one that, as he says, falls between the C and the C+, gain wise. There's more to the mod than just the gain, too. Here's a good thread about it:
gts said:
gitapik said:
ahhhh...this one's a true C+ conversion.

No...they don't do them, anymore. But Mike still does the one that, as he says, falls between the C and the C+, gain wise. There's more to the mod than just the gain, too. Here's a good thread about it:

This one is an interesting IIB to C+
It has the correct pre-amp board but if I remember correctly it has a MKIII Simul OT (which technically is the same spec as the IIC+ Simul OT).
Can't remember what PT was in it but I commented about all the above in his FS thread here on the BB.

As for your comment "But Mike still does the one that, as he says, falls between the C and the C+, gain wise."
No offense intended but there's more to a C+ than just the gain.
So no matter what modding is done nowadays to improve a IIB, that IIB even though it'd been improved, it isn't gonna be a C+ by any stretch of the imagination.

And thanks I have read the thread you linked to above.
Them's fightin' words, pardner...


No offense taken.

On the other hand: the current mod to the IIB isn't supposed to make it into a C+ and there's a lot more to it than the gain ( I mentioned it in my first post on here). And the idea that the C+ is that much better than a IIB is debatable. They're two different animals. My main reason for getting the mod would be the change in placement of the reverb relay.
gts said:
gitapik said:
Them's fightin' words, pardner...


No offense taken.

On the other hand: the current mod to the IIB isn't supposed to make it into a C+ and there's a lot more to it than the gain ( I mentioned it in my first post on here). And the idea that the C+ is that much better than a IIB is debatable. They're two different animals. My main reason for getting the mod would be the change in placement of the reverb relay.

Good thing, I wasn't in the mood anyway, hockey season is over for me ;-)

Yes I know there is more to the mod than gain. The effects loop is fixed, and the reverb is fixed/ improved too.

Was trying to avoid any confusion and/ or it being implied that the mod makes a IIB into a IIC+ (which you have now clearly stated it doesn't).
There's (sadly) been many threads / discussions erroneously claiming various mods to various amps make them into a C+.

IIB's are great amps, a very good friend has one. He also has a IIA which he bought new in '79, and a Lonestar.
A few years ago he picked up a IIC+ that I bought in the area where he lives. He played it (obviously) before shipping it off and was so blown away by it that he wanted one. About 4 or 5 months ago he finally had the cash and started his search and found one.

He still has his IIB. I'm sure he'll be keeping it too. All his Mesa amps have been in Mikes hands at one time or another.

In any case you are correct there is more to the mod than just the lead channels gain.

When I make it out to see my friend again I want to do a direct comparison.
(Fwiw his IIB has been modded at Mesa too).
Yep...I'd love to have a C+, don't get me wrong. $2500 is a lot of money but I'm sure it's worth it.

I'm close to getting the mod done on the IIB. Do you know if you can still get that light OD (great for blues rhythm and leads) with it? What's your main musical style?

BTW: curious about your speaker choice(s)? I've got the original EVM12L in my combo. Thinking about losing 15lbs and getting a Jensen Tornado. Thoughts...?
gts said:
gitapik said:
Yep...I'd love to have a C+, don't get me wrong. $2500 is a lot of money but I'm sure it's worth it.

Yeah I was freaking out when I first dove in wondering if it was the right decision.
Long story short: My very talkative friend was at loss for words/ almost speechless when trying out/ picking up the amp for me.
When that happened I knew buying it was a very good thing. I've never looked back.

I'm close to getting the mod done on the IIB. Do you know if you can still get that light OD (great for blues rhythm and leads) with it? What's your main musical style?

That is my main musical style but I use the C+ (don't have a IIB).
I can ask my friend who has the IIB but lately he's been using his C+ too.

BTW: curious about your speaker choice(s)? I've got the original EVM12L in my combo. Thinking about losing 15lbs and getting a Jensen Tornado.

I use the EV if it's the only speaker I'm using (usually in the combo).
If using two cabs it's the EV in a Thiele and the MS-12 in a 1x12
(Sometimes I'll use two EV's one being in the combo the other in the Thiele - or sometimes in two Thieles).
Never tried the Tornado as I've been too happy with the above to feel the need to experiment any further.

I appreciate your input on this, man. It's a big decision for me. I love my amp. If you'd talk to your friend about his IIB, I'd greatly appreciate it...

That's a funny thing when a talkative friend is left speechless. :)

I really like the sound of my EVMs in the combo and Thiele. Thinking of trying the Jensen in the combo and keeping the EVM in the Thiele.

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