Bold to Spongy Switching

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Mar 27, 2008
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Hey folks, I just got a Stiletto Ace and was wondering when in Bold power mode, do I just flip the power switch to spongy? When I do that, the jewel light goes off for a millisecond obviously because I pass through the off position, but I was just wondering if this is how I'm supposed to do it. I really can't think of any other way, but is it fine just to switch on the fly whenever I feel the need to? The same with the rectifier switches? Just switch on the fly?
FWIW, I put my RK on standby when switching ...., but dont really know the technical answer to your question. I cant remember if it mentions anything in the owners manual about a procedure to follow when switching between bold and spongy but you might look there if you have a manual. Ciao!
I'm back at school, and I didn't bring the manual with me. I am going to check the downloadable manual on the site, but I don't remember it saying anything.
there was a post about this a few weeks back and someone had said that Mesa says its fine to do it on the fly without putting the amp in standby.... i still put it in standby just in case but apparently on the fly is ok.... which kind of makes sense because that switch used to be in the back of the amp and dont believe you needed to put it on standby when switching between the two settings.... i wish it were possible to assign the settings to channels instead of the whole amp.... i like channel 1 and 3 on my roadster with spongy and 3 and 4 with bold
If you could apply bold/spongy to each channel, that would be the coolest thing ever. Like in the channel strip on the back of the roadster.
uberpwnage said:
If you could apply bold/spongy to each channel, that would be the coolest thing ever. Like in the channel strip on the back of the roadster.

thats what i'm saying brother... i dont know the technical aspects to it as i'm not an amp builder..... but it would be killer
I have the Stiletto Ace as well and it's odd that MB doesn't address this issue in the manual. Customer service said you don't need to put it on standby first, just flip it over. I've been doing that for months without any problems.
Mguts said:
Hey folks, I just got a Stiletto Ace and was wondering when in Bold power mode, do I just flip the power switch to spongy? When I do that, the jewel light goes off for a millisecond obviously because I pass through the off position.

This cannot be good for the power tubes, as you will be shocking them with High then No then Lower voltage. It may not hurt the amp, but you may buy more power tubes as a result. Flip the standby switch, if you have the time to do so. :D On the Rectifier models with the rear switch, there is just a drop in voltage, not a complete absence of it. :shock: . As far as the tube or silicon diode switches, just don't try a rapid fire switching of this circuit.
also, if your in stanby, would you have to wait the prescribed 30 seconds before switching standby back on after switching the spongy/bold switch?
uberpwnage said:
also, if your in stanby, would you have to wait the prescribed 30 seconds before switching standby back on after switching the spongy/bold switch?

No, waiting 30 seconds is just on initial power up to allow the tube heaters to get the power tubes warmed up. Once you've been playing, the power tubes will stay hot for probably 20-30 minutes after you turn everything off, so you can go in and out of standby with no waiting just fine.
I always put mine on standby when switching power settings. Just seems like a good idea...
FYI, the Ace is the only Stiletto that requires you to pass thru the "off" position when switching from bold to spongy. The Deuce and Trident have a seperate switch for this function, like thr Rectos.
JOEY B. said:
This cannot be good for the power tubes, as you will be shocking them with High then No then Lower voltage. It may not hurt the amp, but you may buy more power tubes as a result. Flip the standby switch, if you have the time to do so. :D On the Rectifier models with the rear switch, there is just a drop in voltage, not a complete absence of it. :shock: . As far as the tube or silicon diode switches, just don't try a rapid fire switching of this circuit.

Unless you were switching constantly between the two there shouldn't be any adverse affects to the power tubes lifespan. The switch is in the Off position for an almost insignificant amount of time. The tubes can handle it, IMO.
thirstypirate said:
JOEY B. said:
Unless you were switching constantly between the two there shouldn't be any adverse affects to the power tubes lifespan. The switch is in the Off position for an almost insignificant amount of time. The tubes can handle it, IMO.
I'll second that. The tubes are already warm anyways. Why would you need to warm them up again. I doubt it will hurt it at all.