Blown fuse questions

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2008
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Just a second ago I blew a fuse in my LSS. I quickly replaced it and was back in business in just a minute. However I got wondering what actually caused it to blow. Do you know what causes them to blow? Is it something that I did? When I switch the wattage on the front or even the loop in button on the back should I first turn the amp completely off or just on standby or does it matter?
No, those don't matter...The fuse blowing could have been any number of things. A sign of failing tubes or a spike in electricity are my guesses.
The most common reason for a blown fuse is a bad power tube in my experiance. Try watching your power tubes, you may find one glowing brighter than the others. If that happens turn to standby right away.

When this has happened to me I would notice a decrease in volume. I then look at my tubes and it was obvious. May not happen all the time so keep an eye on it. If the tubes are older I would replace them for good measure.
MJ Slaughter said:
The most common reason for a blown fuse is a bad power tube in my experiance. Try watching your power tubes, you may find one glowing brighter than the others. If that happens turn to standby right away.

When this has happened to me I would notice a decrease in volume. I then look at my tubes and it was obvious. May not happen all the time so keep an eye on it. If the tubes are older I would replace them for good measure.

It is a brand new amp. I have back up tubes however this amp is only three months old.

I will keep my eye on it......This old house I live in has a history of power surging so maybe that is what happened.

Same prb on mine :

Try this :

When you stop the amp (the fuse blow when you start or stop) >

Take care of the wattage switch : Put it on 30 watts position for the 2 channels. Don't let it on 5/15. So the solid state rectifer is used instead of 5y3 when the amp is stopping.

Same action when you start it again : put all the wattage switches on 30wts.

When the amp is ready to play, stand by ON and switch AFTER on 5/15wts.

The amp works well on all positions now.

Don't forget to replace it on 30 wts before switch off.

Tell me if it works ?


Sébastien - France

PS : I've changed amplifier tube by JJ EL84 and the 5Y3 by a NOS RCA on the first time and now I use a 5y3 stock tube because the prb seems solved.
Known problem w/ LSS. Call Mesa, they should have a fix in place.

I'm French and I know a mod exists to patch the amp and solve the problem.

But would you please tell me in what this mod consists in ?

Do you you think my local dealer or mesa tech service could repair it in France ?

Thanks a lot

A couple guys here had it done but they never report back exactly what Mesa did. Would be good info for all.
It was the 5Y3 Tube that was the culprit!!! In the 15 and 5 watt settings the amp was crapping out! I replaced the tube and voila!!!

Working great!
jjboogie said:
It was the 5Y3 Tube that was the culprit!!! In the 15 and 5 watt settings the amp was crapping out! I replaced the tube and voila!!!

Working great!
Yes it's the rect tube but the tube died pre-maturely due to some issue w/ the circuit. According to a post here, which I can't find, the tube is operating at or close to its max rating which is not good. Some have swaped with a higher rating tube 5AR4 (I think). I'm using a NOS RCA and it's been doing fine for 9 months now. The stock ones blew after a couple months.
Yeh I tought it was the 5Y3 tube problem and that's right this tube is operating at or close to its max rating.

I bought a 5V4 tube (not 5ar4) but not try yet. I'm waiting a bit to see if the problem appear again.

I've used a NOS RCA also but the problems persists after some uses.

Strange but there is a default on circuit board or transformers output range.

Anyway, this amp is great and tone is fantastic when it works :)

I bless Mesa :)
The Russian rectifier tube is definitely not as durable as a NOS. I blew one Mesa (Sovtek) rectifier tube within months, but have run a NOS 5Y3 for close to two years with no probs. However, some have not been so lucky and NOS hasn't worked much better for them.

Does anyone know what the mod is? All I can think of is that Mesa is swapping out the filter caps for ones with a slightly lower capacitance.

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