BLOWN - Fried my DC-5, need some help

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Jun 10, 2005
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Was too lazy to drag my MESA Recto cab to practice last night so I used one of our guitar player's cheap-*** Ampeg cabs without asking what ohms it ran. Plugged it in to my DC-5's 4 ohm output without thinking and right into our second song the sound went away and smoke came out from behind my amp. Smelled like burning capacitor to me.

Before I take it to the local tube amp repair place and get completely reamed I was hoping someone out there could give me a little more insight on excatly what I'm dealing with. Did the capacitor do it's job and save the rest of the circuit or am I looking at replacing a lot more? Any help would be appriciated - thanks
So does this mean the cabinet was 2 Ohm, or less than 4 Ohm? If I read my manual on my LSS correctly it has two 4 Ohm output jacks, one of which has the 8 Ohm speaker connected, and one 8 Ohm jack as an optional connection. What is the rule? Any connected load has to be of equal or greater resistance than the output jack?
It sounds like the cabinet was most likely 16 ohms. If you were using the 4 ohm output on the amp then the load was most likely too much. :(

Don't quote me on this (which means call Boogie to confirm) but you can safely plug into a 16 ohm cabinet using the 8 ohm output or you can plug into and 8 ohm cabinet using the 4 ohm output or you can plug into a 4 ohm cabinet using the 8 ohm output. Using the 4 ohm output into a 16 ohm cabinet though would be a no no and is what probably blew the transformer.

Check this site for more info or check the manual:

Chris... 8)

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