Blowing Fuses immediately when turning 3-ch TR

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Nov 19, 2007
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Hey guys, i have a 3 channel triple rec. And it eats fuses. As soon as i flip the swith its popping them. Now i tried all new tubes and still the same thing. ive even tried turning it on without any tubes in it. Like 5 months ago i took it in for blowing fuses, not quite in this dramatic fashion. And they replaced a couple diodes. They all seem to check out fine though. Any possibilities what it could be? A Transformer maybe? Any kind of direction or help would be fantastic. PLEASE HELP!!! Im trying to sell this puppy since i just bought a Dual Rec Tremoverb.
My first thought was a tube. Guess it could be a short or bad plate. You might need to send it in for a pro review.

If it's not a tube, it's going to be something more serious... prolly serious enough to need a tech to fix it.
Hey man. I actually had a 3 channel Triple Recto that was doing the same thing. It ended up that a diode was indeed the problem. Current supposed to flow one way only, but it was flowing both ways, and POP, every time. Good luck with your fix man!!
FrankyC said:
what do you mean a bad plate?

Have you tried running in diode mode instead of tube rectifier? I was ready to take my amp to a tech before I figured it out, I also pulled out all of my tubes and reseated them which helped cuz a few of them were loose. When you turn on the amp look at the back and see if there is a flash from any tubes or sockets when the fuse pops.
pull your rectifier tubes and put it on diodes. try that and see if it pops. then put the rectifier tubes back in and try it on tube rectifier. just try to rule those out. i too had the problem of it popping fuses, and it was one of my rectifier tubes. and i run my amp on diodes.

if they're in the amp, they're in the circuit. that's why i say to pull them to try it on diodes mode. let us know and good luck!
jtb226 said:
pull your rectifier tubes and put it on diodes. try that and see if it pops. then put the rectifier tubes back in and try it on tube rectifier. just try to rule those out. i too had the problem of it popping fuses, and it was one of my rectifier tubes. and i run my amp on diodes.

if they're in the amp, they're in the circuit. that's why i say to pull them to try it on diodes mode. let us know and good luck!

I've got the rectifier tube from hell, I put them all back in and ran it on diodes and it still work but if you if you move one of the recto tubes a bit it'll blow. The tube actually wobbles if you take it out and hold it. I miss playing thru recto tubes so bad, I can't wait till I retube my amp the end of this month.
is it the socket in the amp that wobbles? or the part where the glass part of the tube connects to the base?

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