Black Shadow MS-12 vs Lead 80 speaker?

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Well-known member
Boogie Supporter
Aug 10, 2024
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Just realized the 1982 MKIIB has a original MS-12 speaker - it sounds fine but, I have a Classic lead 80 celestion laying around. So I already swapped the two speakers and don't really hear a difference? From what I've read the MS-12 150 watt was made by eminence back in the day. The Ms-12 is 16 LBS - 6LBS more then the Lead 80 - any info? anyone compare the two? My lead 80 is only a year old so not a vintage one.
IMHO, after playing both, the Lead 80 is better - now also my lead 80 is 1yr old, with minimum hrs and the MS-12 is from 1982, with countless hours. So not really fair. Another thing in the lead 80's favor - I dig saving the weight savings.
Again my ms-12 is very old

Back to the MS-12 -less bass, more top end, a little more higher mids then the Lead 80 - went back and forth very close between the two speakers. The MS-12 breaks up sooner then the lead 80 but could be the age difference. two great speakers for this amp IMHO
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