It always helps if you start first with what kind of tone you ultimately want to achieve, then let that dictate what pedal choices you make. The reason the classic Tubescreamer variations are so popular with Recto users is that they cut out some of the mud that Rectos are famous for, thereby "tightening" up the bass, and add a little bit of the mids that Rectos lack by default.
More transparent OD's won't necessarily provide the missing mids depending on the model, and they will likely produce even more mud in the bass, since the full frequency spectrum is boosted in transparent models, the same problem you run into using a clean boost with a Recto. However, in conjunction with an EQ, transparent OD's can be made to work extremely well, and may actually produce a tone that can be superior to standard 808's since their starting tone is generally a lot more like a real tube amp to start with. If using an EQ with an OD like an OCD or a BB Preamp (both fairly transparent OD's), you may still want to cut the 200Hz mud by 4-6db or so, and possibly boost the mids somewhere between 600-1.2kHz by the same amount if you want more of a lead tone.
As to treble boosters like the Rangemaster, etc., they are exceedingly easy and cheap to make from scratch. I can do 'em in my sleep at this point. They do sound great for a lead tone when used in front of an OD (not instead of). In fact, if you use a treble booster in front of a transparent OD, you really don't need the EQ anymore because the treble booster will get rid of the mud and boost the "singing" mid frequencies around 800Hz for lead playing.