Best Boost Pedal In Your Opinion

The Boogie Board

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Aug 1, 2010
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Hey Guys,

What is the BEST Boost pedal in your OPINION?

im thinking about getting a BB Pre-Amp or a RC

anyone else?
liquidtensionJP said:
Hey Guys,

What is the BEST Boost pedal in your OPINION?

im thinking about getting a BB Pre-Amp or a RC

anyone else?

This question is like asking what is the BEST brand of ice cream. It's totally subjective, man.

All of the boutique pedals sound great; it's just a matter of finding the particular tone you're going for. None of us can help you with that. Just make sure you purchase your pedal from a store with a good return policy.

With that being said, my friend has a Zvex Super Hard On that he leaves on all the time because he loves what it does for his tone.

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