Axe FX Ultra + Mark V

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2010
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I'm considering the possiblilty of getting the Axe FX Ultra to replace my effects gear. The goal is two-fold : First I'm at a point where I could start spending money on pedals and my first acquisition would be a Timefactor. As expensive as that one pedal is and considering that there are several more I would like to have, I'm thinking maybe the Axe would just resolve the whole problem once and for all, for one price.

Second, I currently use a POD X3 Live in the effects loop with the amp mods turned off which works ok but has it's limits, but the best thing about the POD is that I can take it directly to our PA at church and play through it without any other gear. So if I got rid of the POD, the Axe would have to also give me that ability, providing amp modeling and effects in one easily transportable plug and play model.

So if any of you have experience and advice on using an Axe in the effects loop of a Mark V, and/or using it as a stand alone plug and play unit, it would be greatly appreciated. I would love to know how well the effects only part of the Axe works with the Mark V and what other gear might be needed to optimize it. Also, in the case of using it stand-alone through a PA, what other gear would be needed to make it work well in that environment. Thanks in advance for the advice!
why would u spend just as much on effects as the head it self. Look at other units, yeah fractal has probally THE best multi effects there is but also the thing rules for amp coverage, cab simulation and everything. Alot of guys are selling all their gear just to run guitar-axe-pa speakers or guitar-axe-poweramp-cabs and say its the best thing ever. Now i big thing with that is yeah it sounds great and all but it doesnt have that tube feel to it. Look at tc electronics effects or even the line 6 studio xt which is line 6's take on the axe with dual input and such. Now with all that being said my buddy did just pick up one and im making him come over to run it with my mark v just so i know what its like to have the best of both digital and tubed worlds.
Check out the Eleven Rack:
So I guess back to my original question: Does anyone have any experience using the Axe in the effects loop of the Mark V for effects only?
It works for Petrucci, so I guess it´s a fine combination.
I use one with My Electra Dyne. In front and in the loop. Had to get an ebtech hum eliminator when using it this way to kill the noisy ground loops, but it sounds great now.

I think it absolutely has the tube feel stand alone. Does the Mark and Recto series exceptionally well.

It does well in the loop but I wouldn't buy it if that is all you plan to use it for. But it will mean you won't have to spend the money on other stuff if you plan to use it in the loop. For me it is great for playing at night getting a killer tube tone plugged straight into my tascam without waking the family. And it makes recording so much easier. Removed all my sound proofing from the room.

Aside from in the loop, I'm not sure how it will do if you try using the Mark V as strictly a power amp. It works well with the ED using it as a power amp and using the amp models, but the settings have to be setup very different then running straight into the tascam. This has me considering picking up an atomic monoblock power amp so I could theoretically not have to change as much going to a power amp compared to going to a mixer.

In the end, I think if you plan on buying it and using it's full capabilities, amp cab and effect simulation, and using it as an effects processor with your mark V, it is worth it.

If you only plan on using it in the loop of your Mark V, get something cheaper.
which parallel loop? i only see serial loops on the devices we're talking about. both the dyne and the five are serial.
phyrexia said:
which parallel loop? i only see serial loops on the devices we're talking about. both the dyne and the five are serial.
I Had misunderstood what he said. I thought he was talking about the axe being stereo. What I meant to say is that the output is easily set to mono
Hey guys, I have been using the Axe with my Mark V for a while. I have also used the Axe straight in to the PA, and is really cool and there are really no downsides to using it either way, it's just different. I have been using the 4-cable method to hook up the Axe to the Mark V, so I get effects in front AND in the loop of the Mark V. When I do it this way, I run a 4X12 on stage and a full stack in rehearsal :mrgreen:

The Axe is very flexible and you can do so many things with it. Add comp, wah, drive, filters in front and/or chorus, delay, flange, phase, the loop. I mean it's pretty awesome. When you add up the $$ of all the other stuff it replaces, especially considering the Axe is modeling high end effects, it is ideal, IMHO. The only complication is getting the Mark V to respond to your midi foot controller and then there is the cost of the foot controller itself. For a foot controller, Petrucci, for example, is using an Axess, about $1100-$1200. There are others out there that are also great, for less dollars. I have been using a LiquidFoot Pro, comparable to the Axess and closer to $800, and again, there are others, look into what you need it to do.

Also, for the Mark V to respond to midi commands, you must get some sort of midi interface. I have been using the Rockman Midi Octopus for about 20 years with my Mark IV and I just transferred it to the Mark V and it still works great. There are other midi possibilities out there now and you can choose the right one for you.

I can tell you, it is an awesome thing to walk in to a gig with a couple of guitars, a 4-space rack (Axe, Furman, midi octopus), Mark V and a cab...hook up a speaker cable, the foot controller cable and be set-up and ready to rock.

Hope this helps, good luck on your quest for TONE!!!!
I had both for a period of time. I ended up selling the Axe FX after a few weeks. I know, tell me I'm crazy! I just prefer the sound of my Mark V over the models in the Axe FX. Bear in mind, I'm not currently gigging or recording. I thought it integrated extremely well with the Mark V, all the effects are top notch for sure. At the end of the day, I couldn't justify $2000.00 for delay and chorus. If I was recording in a studio pretty regular, I would have kept it for sure. I currently use a G Force instead, and it's just perfect for my needs. Don't misunderstand what I'm saying, the Axe FX is an amazing piece of gear, I just prefer my rig to be a little more basic and straight forward. Good news was that I sold it for about $75.00 less than I paid for it and bought a second Suhr guitar instead! I would say that if you have no issues with the $$$ and will use it to it's full capabilities, go for it!