Avatar Cab & Speakers Question

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Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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I currently run my Roadster through a Mesa 4x12 cab and a Crate 4x12. The problem I have though is that the Mesa cab is at least 30% louder then the Crate - to the point where I really can't even hear the Crate cab. I have no doubt this is because the Crate cab is a cheap piece of crap. I got it as a 1/2 stack package deal for $500 new (SS of course).

I am going to get an Avatar cab and as I don't know much about speakers I am hoping you guys can help. The choices offered by Avatar are Celestion:

Vintage 30s
G12H30s, G12T75s
Classic Lead 80s
Hellatone 30s
Hellatone 60s

I can mix & match and combo of these speakers. I mainly use my Roadster for Metal. I don't play much lead and am looking for a nice thick and tight bottom end for palm mutting. That said I also want the mids and highs to be tight & clear.

If any of you are familiar with the band Deliverance that is roughly the tone I am going for.

Here is the link to the site if anyone needs it: http://www.avatarspeakers.com/
If you want versatility, go with a V30/H30 combo. If you want the metal, K100's all the way.
Id go for v30s but if you want more mids go for the greenback.sounds very good in a studio situation
Can't really go wrong with V30s and T75s in X pattern. It's what I'm using with my roadster.
wildrat666 said:
Id go for v30s but if you want more mids go for the greenback.sounds very good in a studio situation
How are those greenbacks? I'm thinking about that since supposedly they don't have that piercing high end and ice picking effect the v30's are known for.
get hellatone 60s. theyre smooth as butter. extremely warm, no ice pick **** whatsoever. i absolutely love mine.
the hellatone 60L is another one to consider. they give a bit more bass and might be slightly more 'modern' sounding than the regular hellatone 60.
but my rig sounded better with hella 60s than with the 60Ls.
cliff hetfield said:
get hellatone 60s. theyre smooth as butter. extremely warm, no ice pick sh!t whatsoever. i absolutely love mine.
the hellatone 60L is another one to consider. they give a bit more bass and might be slightly more 'modern' sounding than the regular hellatone 60.
but my rig sounded better with hella 60s than with the 60Ls.
Just read up on them. So, they're V30's just broken in for you? Kinda funny someone would do that... good idea for people looking for a cheaper V30 that may never push the speaker loud and long enough to be fully broken in.

Right now it looks like i'm going to go with a 4x12 1960b marshall with the G12-75 in them and so maybe i'll go with 2 hella 60's to swap in there in the X pattern.

Sounds good eh? :)
Elixir said:
cliff hetfield said:
get hellatone 60s. theyre smooth as butter. extremely warm, no ice pick sh!t whatsoever. i absolutely love mine.
the hellatone 60L is another one to consider. they give a bit more bass and might be slightly more 'modern' sounding than the regular hellatone 60.
but my rig sounded better with hella 60s than with the 60Ls.
Just read up on them. So, they're V30's just broken in for you? Kinda funny someone would do that... good idea for people looking for a cheaper V30 that may never push the speaker loud and long enough to be fully broken in.

Right now it looks like i'm going to go with a 4x12 1960b marshall with the G12-75 in them and so maybe i'll go with 2 hella 60's to swap in there in the X pattern.

Sounds good eh? :)
it does sound good.
yes the hellatones are broken in v30s.
i have 2 v30s in my tremoverb combo and i can say they sound the same, only the hella 60s are buttery warm right out of the box. cant say enough good stuff about these speakers.
I have an Avatar 4x12 with two Vintage 30's and two G12T75's and it sounds really great with my Mark V. However, my 2x12 with just Vintage 30's sounds great too. I've heard the Hellatone's are incredible. Sorry for adding to your confusion man, I love them all! Good luck!
Yeah, i've been up and down with a bunch of cabs lately and right now I think I may jump on the Marshall 1960B. I know the build quality isn't as good as a Rec Cab but for the price and what I want to do it seems like the best fit.

Gonna do the X pattern with 2 Hellatone 60's, keep the two best sounding G12-75's thats already in the Marshall cab and I'll be good to go.

For about 350 the cab is in great condition! Hopefully I'll have it by the end of the week.