Attenuator for Mark V - bedroom player

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Mar 26, 2011
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I'm looking for a attenuator for my Mark V. I've youtubed Rivera, THD, Weber, Jim Kelly, Ultimate Attenuator.....the list goes on and on. I'm a "bedroom" player who wants Mark V tone, crunch, and gain - but at lower volumes.

Any suggestions? Is anybody using a attenuator who can make a recommendation?

I use a THD Hot Plate (8 Ohm). I love it. Did a lot of research myself. It came down to the THD and the Weber, with the Weber starting to edge out the THD. Weber uses a speaker motor and the THD does not. The only time I have heard changes to the tone is on the 16 dB setting where the THD move to an adjustable rheostat for extremely low volume settings. I ended up with the THD though mainly because I got a great deal on Ebay. Can't complain, it has done the job.
The problem is that unless you can try one out your stuck with others opinions of whether or not it changes the tone and by how much. All I can say is that the Hot Plate is made well and works for me.
You don't really need an attenuator with this amp, just use the master volume and also lower the level of the loop send and you're good to go. The power section is designed to run clean, so even at higher volume levels the preamp is doing most of the tone shaping.
+1 No need for an attenuator with this amp.

Try the 10W option in each channel. Sounds really sweet at low volumes and can also sound great at medium volumes.
SteveO said:
You don't really need an attenuator with this amp, just use the master volume and also lower the level of the loop send and you're good to go. The power section is designed to run clean, so even at higher volume levels the preamp is doing most of the tone shaping.

I had not even looked at it that way. I was so used to having to use my THD with my Hot Rod that I never tried the Mark V without it. Just did and your right so the THD is going on the shelf for now.

Using just the built-in controls, you can play this at 90 watts at whisper volumes and have it sound good. +1 on not needing an attenuator.
I have a hot plate that I use when silent recording my V. I use it as a load box and DI. When playing low volume, I prefer the V's own master volume. For low volume playing, my favorite is 10 watt mode in all three channels with the amp on variac power.
The V may have a very clean power amp, but if it is like other older Marks, it sounds better when the PA is not starved of signal, i.e., turned up. The Weber Mass Lite 100W is one of the cheapest, and best attenuators out there. If you really must have one, let it be that one.

To whoever said that the Loop Volume helps, no it doesn't The loop volume is meant to control the input level of your effects, so they don't overdrive. It actually comes before the Solo/Output controls in the signal chain anyway, so if you believe that it is doing something to help your sound, it really isn't.
>Photi G< said:
To whoever said that the Loop Volume helps, no it doesn't The loop volume is meant to control the input level of your effects, so they don't overdrive. It actually comes before the Solo/Output controls in the signal chain anyway, so if you believe that it is doing something to help your sound, it really isn't.

No, it doesn't help the sound. It does, however, act as a second master volume. It enables you to run the channel masters higher and have a more useful range on the overall master volume control. Nothing to do with sound, everything to do with additional volume control.
I'll also more or less echo what everyone has already said. Try this 10w, Variac and CH vol around 11-12 and the master output all the way off, strike a chord then turn the master output slowly until you get some sound. You can get some really nice tones at bedroom volume.
Palmer Speaker Sim (PDI-03).

I love mine. I use it for recording, live, in-ear's the most essential amp accessory that I own. I love it.

I use an 8 ohm hot plate with my road king and it does make a difference. i've tried it on my mark v, but it really doesn't need it. great tone at bedroom volumes.
recycled sound power plug

middle of the page

ignore the bad website design. cant beat it.
As many members said, no need of using an attenuator when playing a MK V
MKIV and MKV sound cool at bedroom volume,
Obviously opening the volume with a MK V really provide a great tone.

I have a Koch Load Box II at home, very transparent,
i only used that one when I played My Old Single Rec , it definitely helped the tone.

hope it helps :D
i disagree, but not snobbishly. i use my attenuator in a 10 watt mode on my amp and it further reduces the amp's volume but still works the power section.
10 watts can be quite loud actually....and reducing it with the volume plug with both switches on allows me to get some power tube voice in there, which, depending on my mood, i like, or dont like ;)
I think it depends on your definition of "bedroom volume"...

I do agree that the Mark V produces a good sound at low output levels (much, much better than, say, a Dual Rec), but I use a THD hotplate for late night practice and it works well. I like the 8db setting best (a fair amount of attenuation, but little loss of tone). The 16db setting I find virtually unusable, especially with high gain tones.

Just my two centimes worth... :)