Asking opinions about getting a mod for a Strategy 500 PA

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Disco Cat

Dec 16, 2009
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I've dropped my S-500 off for this mod at a reputable (Backline Audio, in Vancouver) authorized Mesa service center, though it won't be worked on until later this week.

I've asked them to install independent power switches for the two sides of the amp, so that only the tubes for the side that's in use will be powered. One of the ideas behind it is that since I don't run stereo cabs, there's no point in burning a whole extra set of tubes that aren't being used in an amp that costs $350 to retube. Also, if a tube were to blow on the side that isn't used, I wouldn't be aware of it because I'm not hearing any audio from that side, and I might cause extended damage to the amp by continuing to run it - so the mod also made sense to me as a damage preventative measure. Thirdly, the mod would enable the power amp to function as its own backup for live gigs, as it'd have another side ready to go in a pinch (this is as long as only a blown power tube were the problem at a live show).

I'm interested in hearing feedback regarding the concept and implementation of this mod. I'm not someone who likes to do a mod just for the sake of having a mod done. In fact, I would much rather have an un-modded amp, but for the reasons stated above, this mod seems practical, economic, and just smart to me.
I phoned Mesa to ask about the idea, but I wasn't given an opinion, with the response basically being "we like our amps the way they are." Makes marketing sense, though I thought they might have some deeper technical analysis on the concept of the mod. If there was a tangible reason to not have it done (like if it might affect the sound or reliability in even the smallest manner) I would want to know about it before any work starts so that I can re-think whether I want to go through with it.
This mod makes sense. The only problem I see is that there is only one power tranny inside the amp. So if only one half of the tubes are powered, the plate voltage might increase greatly due to the number of power tubes not used. Same for the heaters voltage.
So be sure the techs check that and confirmed that the increase is not harmfull for the tubes or capacitors.
Thanks, I sent the question in an email though I'm sure they know exactly what to do with it. I'm really hoping that none of the alterations that need to be made will affect the sound in any way.
Guess I won't be having the mod done. The service center called me today and said there isn't the room needed to install the mod.

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