As a Mark III owner, what can I expect from the V ?

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screamingdaisy said:
JOEY B. said:
I wonder if this switch is not tied to the high frequency differences in the channel 3 modes. If I recall, there was no "Pull Deep" feature on the Mark IV.

Isn't the Mark IV's "Pull Fat" the same thing?

That's what I thought as well. Someone chime in and correct me if I'm wrong.

Neptical said:
screamingdaisy said:
JOEY B. said:
I wonder if this switch is not tied to the high frequency differences in the channel 3 modes. If I recall, there was no "Pull Deep" feature on the Mark IV.

Isn't the Mark IV's "Pull Fat" the same thing?

That's what I thought as well. Someone chime in and correct me if I'm wrong.


No, the "Pull Fat" on the IV is the same as the "Pull Shift" on the treble knob that the II´s and III´s had. It gives the lead channel more midrange and gain. A more focused tone.
This feature is always on in the modes of ch 3 in the Mark V.

I really doubt that the V has the "Pull Deep" feature. My Mark III has the deep and it´s not a subtle bass boost. The V doesn´t come close to the amount of lows the "Pull Deep" adds.
The Mark IV doesn´t have the "Pull Deep" either.

However, I do believe that both the IV and V have the "Pull Shift" (that the II´s and III´s had on the bass knob) incorperated into the curcuit. It adds a more subtle, warm "widening" effect to the bass instead of the huge "deepening" of the low frequencies that the "Pull Deep" adds. At least I remember reading about the bass shift being incorperated into the IV on this forum somewhere.

Perhaps this bass shift feature is what you spotted in the
Bullen said:
Perhaps this bass shift feature is what you spotted in the

Nope. The Bass Shift occurs on the first gain stage-V1A. This is the Pull Deep for sure. The reason it's not so noticeable is that the coupling capacitor between this and the EQ is smaller than what is traditionally used on Mark amplifiers. While the CC is normally 0.47uF, the Mark V uses a 0.1uF capacitor, limiting the preamp's low end.
>Photi G< said:
Bullen said:
Perhaps this bass shift feature is what you spotted in the

Nope. The Bass Shift occurs on the first gain stage-V1A. This is the Pull Deep for sure. The reason it's not so noticeable is that the coupling capacitor between this and the EQ is smaller than what is traditionally used on Mark amplifiers. While the CC is normally 0.47uF, the Mark V uses a 0.1uF capacitor, limiting the preamp's low end.

If I'm understanding this right, sounds like a win for the 'pull deep' on the IIIs. Woo. 8)

>Photi G< said:
Bullen said:
Perhaps this bass shift feature is what you spotted in the

Nope. The Bass Shift occurs on the first gain stage-V1A. This is the Pull Deep for sure. The reason it's not so noticeable is that the coupling capacitor between this and the EQ is smaller than what is traditionally used on Mark amplifiers. While the CC is normally 0.47uF, the Mark V uses a 0.1uF capacitor, limiting the preamp's low end.

That´s interesting. I wonder if the Mark IV also has this "tamer" version of the deep function in it´s curcuit.
Bullen said:
That´s interesting. I wonder if the Mark IV also has this "tamer" version of the deep function in it´s curcuit.

Nope. The Mark IV has a rather normal 15uF cathode bypass capacitor on V2B (The equivalent of V6A in the V). Nothing switching in or out there.
All I know is that there was WAAAAYYY more available bass left in the GEQ on my Mark II with the pull deep engaged, than in the C+ or IV modes of the Mark V. The Extreme mode has a very different voice, so it is hard to compare it to my C+ in terms of low frequency response.
JOEY B. said:
All I know is that there was WAAAAYYY more available bass left in the GEQ on my Mark II with the pull deep engaged, than in the C+ or IV modes of the Mark V. The Extreme mode has a very different voice, so it is hard to compare it to my C+ in terms of low frequency response.

Yeah, it´s the same with my Mark III. It´s capable of a huge amounts of low end with the deep switch. Almost too much.

The V (and IV) can´t get close to that.
JOEY B. said:
All I know is that there was WAAAAYYY more available bass left in the GEQ on my Mark II with the pull deep engaged, than in the C+ or IV modes of the Mark V. The Extreme mode has a very different voice, so it is hard to compare it to my C+ in terms of low frequency response.

I can say the same about My III. Sometimes it's too much bass, which is good to have with the narrow range of the bass control. I really need to play a MkV! I can't buy one because I sure as hell can't afford one, but to at least play one would be a treat. Too bad there isn't a store around me that has one.
Caution: no technical content included below.

'Deep' on my MkIII is, by far, the single most impressive control...except for the GEQ. That little pull pot can turn an EV-equipped combo into a Marshall half stack killer. It just sounds huge! Pump it thru a pair of 2x12 half back cabs and WATCH OUT! There's enough thump for me to call it my "kidney-stones-be-gone" machine. Simply awesome.
Thanks for all the responses, very good read, sometimes a bit too technical for me but interesting nevertheless.

As mentioned above, the deep switch on the Mark III is indeed impressive with a thundering low end that makes my nuts swing in front of a cab. But it can be too much, so it depends on my mood whether I use it or not.

Finally my new Mark V arrived and I got a chance to play with it today. Although I'm still in the process of tweaking, I can already say that this is a quality amp for sure (ok, you already know that but you have to experience this in person). Versatile and tight chugga chugga, gotta love it! Someone said in this thread that it would have a more refined sound than the III. I totally agree. The V is maybe not as raw sounding, but I wouldn't call it less agressive. The V is beastly as well. Enough low end too.

I haven't really A/B-ed them today, but playing with the V made me realize that the III is an amazing amp. IMHO, I think that you can really hear that the V is made in the vein of the Mark series, it has all the Mark series goodness and then some. For now, I will keep the Mark III because luckily I don't have to make a choice between the two. I'm glad that I bought the Mark V, it is pure joy to play with it.