Aproximate power output?

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Winnipeg, MB
I'm wanting to use my mini-mass with my stiletto, but its a maximum 50 watt output. Can anytone tell me the approximate output of a stiletto, or a dual rec(im assuming the output it the same..), when its set for 50 watts, spongy variac, and tube recitfier?
The Stilletto on it's 50w mode isn't maximum 50w......that's 50w clean headroom before breakup. If you're pushing your amps power amp into overdrive you'll be outputing at or over 50w.

I could be wrong on the next part, but this is the way I remember reading it;

I forget how much the vairac knocks off, but I believe it was only 10w or something. The tube rectifier won't knock any wattage off, it only changes the responce and how long it takes to get back upto full wattage.
thanks for the reply..i was under the impression that the tube rec reduced wattage a fair bit..guess im wrong. im aware of the stiletto's output, its the mini-mass that can only accept a maximum of 50 watts.. i was just trying to find a way to get the stilletto down to 50 watts maximum output when cranked so it didnt overheat the weber.
Tube rectifier somewhat reduces the maximum output power - there is a voltage drop of some tens of volts (on a semiconductor rectifier there is 1-2 volt drop). Furthermore, a tube rectifier has a highest series resistance.

These two phenomena cause lowering of output power...

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