ANYONE who tried both 6L6's and EL34's like the 6L6's more?

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I have a set of each, and currently am favoring the 6L6s. I've been using a Telecaster 95% of the time lately though, so all the gains are down.
SteveO said:
I have a set of each, and currently am favoring the 6L6s. I've been using a Telecaster 95% of the time lately though, so all the gains are down.

As i can see, who uses telecaster, stratocaster uses 6l6...and who has Esp, Gibson, Ibanez etc and plays heavy metal, hard rock and other thinks and tried both, prefers El34 :lol:
Metallicaseeker said:
SteveO said:
I have a set of each, and currently am favoring the 6L6s. I've been using a Telecaster 95% of the time lately though, so all the gains are down.

As i can see, who uses telecaster, stratocaster uses 6l6...and who has Esp, Gibson, Ibanez etc and plays heavy metal, hard rock and other thinks and tried both, prefers El34 :lol:

Just put the EL34s back in, I think they're gonna stay. BTW, I also like hard rock and older metal-I even still have one of my pointy-headstock Floyd Rose guitars from back in the day. ;)
SteveO said:
Metallicaseeker said:
SteveO said:
I have a set of each, and currently am favoring the 6L6s. I've been using a Telecaster 95% of the time lately though, so all the gains are down.

As i can see, who uses telecaster, stratocaster uses 6l6...and who has Esp, Gibson, Ibanez etc and plays heavy metal, hard rock and other thinks and tried both, prefers El34 :lol:

Just put the EL34s back in, I think they're gonna stay. BTW, I also like hard rock and older metal-I even still have one of my pointy-headstock Floyd Rose guitars from back in the day. ;)

haha that was a fast decition
rika_gd said:
haha that was a fast decition

Not really, the fast decision was the first one, when I decided to pull them out without taking enough time to find the right settings for them.
SteveO said:
BTW, I also like hard rock and older metal-I even still have one of my pointy-headstock Floyd Rose guitars from back in the day. ;)

I've had a love/hate relationship with my Jackson SL1 for a while now. I love the way it plays, but hated the way that the Floyd Rose thinned the tone out. With a few mods from and some electronics changes, it will get by as my "shredder" axe. The EL-34's will help these type of guitars sing in the midrange frequencies.
i've gone back and forth between mesa 6l6's and el34's, and sed winged c 6l6's and el34's. definately like the SED's (a lot) better. but on-topic: 6l6 ftw :)

i play mostly rhythm and love channel 3 (both iic+/triode and iv/pentode). for me, the 6l6's just hit the spot. it's the sound i've been trying to get for years.
I like the 34's but as we all know when the tone starts to get stale switch em back to win....