Anyone use Port City cabs with your Mark V?

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
Boston MA

I just want to see what people say/think, may want totake the plunge for a OS2x12 or 2x12...
I have a Mark V with a Port City OS 2x12 w/ Cannabis Rex speakers and I think it sounds real nice! Very punchy and open, yet it still remains focused and tight (more than likely due to the amp). Port City makes awesome cabs and the quality of them are top notch. Plus I love having the little handle up top instead of on the sides.



I run my mark V through a Port City 2x12 (regular sized). The poster above me nailed exactly what these cabs do. I've played my amp through and Orange cab and a Mills Accoustic cab, but the Port City had the magic I was going for. I wish I had dropped the extra $$ on the OS now, but even the standard 2x12 is an excellent cab choice.
I play mine through Port City cabs. I have the OS 2x12 and a normal 2x12. I use both cabs live and both are loaded with Scumback M75's. Best sound Ihave ever had.
I have the wide body Boogie cabs which are cool but the PC's certainly give a fuller 3D sound.

Cheers Rich
Are the Port City 2x12's less directional than a standard closed back?

Are they tight enough for percussive metal?

How do the Oversized and Regular 2x12's compare?
I am not really into the physics but when I bought them Daniel explained how you don't lose the sound out of the back like you do with conventional cabs. I live in the UK so had to take him at his word and this is definately the case.
I would say possibly not as tight as something front loaded but certainly very musical. I have had front loaded CAA 2x12's and Diezel 2x12's and they were too tight for me. I didn't like them at all, but then I wouldn't have a Mark V if I was wanting a really tight sound. I play anything between Jovi to Metallica. Nothing any heavier.
I have rarely used either of the cabs on their own. I bought them to avoid lugging around a 4x12 and together they sound better than any 4x12 I have had. The OS gives out the bass to complement the normal sized cab. I personally prefer the two Boogie wide 1x12's as opposed to either PC cab on its own but the PC's together sound mint!
I also think the speakers are the key. I have always been a V30 user until I tried the M75's. Very sweet!

Unlike a previous commenter, my only gripe is I hate the handle being on the top. The OS is pretty heavy.

I hope I am helping you here.

Cheers Rich
i can add that this cab needs to have the right speakers (depending on what you are after). the best way i can discribe the sound is that my sounds breath, it is tight thanks to the mark V ( just remember that this cab does not enhance any frequencies), the sound spreads nicely, the sounds is full, it is light (35lbs unloaded) and it looks good with the mark V..jijijiji

if you can try one, please do....... there nothing like trying a new toy before buying it.

good luck :wink:
So what are the "right" speakers for the Port City 2x12 when using the Mark V?

Let's assume that the owner plays a varitey of styles (I think most Mark V owners do).
Hendog said:
So what are the "right" speakers for the Port City 2x12 when using the Mark V?

Let's assume that the owner plays a varitey of styles (I think most Mark V owners do).
what worked for me is the emminence deltapro 12A (kind of like a EV's), very neutral speaker and it compliments the OS 2x12 for a massive sound........

the disadvantage may be the speaker's weight.

hope that helps.