Anyone tried Celestion Gold with Triaxis or Quad, 2:90?

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Glad to hear your enjoying them.
I ordered a Avatar G212 Pro Guitar Monitor with Celestion Golds, this is a ported cab, black grill, white piping, plug and play input jacks, comes with black LineX finish. After some break in time I'll give some feedback on these and how they sound with Triaxis 2:90 Quad 2:90 and Dual Recto rackmount.
Well there's only one way to find out. go you have the golds yet what are your first impressions. I liked the gold so much I have a second gold in an open back wide body cab mad out of 30 year old birtch ply and has a lovey warm mid
Sooooo....after nearly a week of playing on this cab I wanted to let you know I am truly digging these speakers. The cleans are heavenly delivering sparkle and chime to my ears with a warm character that is well...very very musical. The real kicker for me however was what will these speakers do when I pile on the gain like an elephant stepping on a walnut.
I cranked up the gain on my Quad 2:90 and the mark II leads just sing like a mofo, drop into Mark III aggression with super high gain and scooped metal tones no problem chunky punchy, it's a different flavor than the V30's which I still like but I think the ported enclosure takes away some of the "conezone" effect compared to my recto 412 closedback. I think Avatar has a real winner in this monitor cab design it's balanced tone allows you to stand right in front of the cab and hear what your playing without blowing you out, very smooth
So I hooked up my dual rectifier rackmount and it sounds awesome through it as well. Vintage high gain, modern high gain, tube rectifiers, silicon diode spongy, bold, real nice tones.
Well while I'm at it might I might as well tear apart my rack and throw the Triaxis back in with the 2:90 and G-force. Oh my the cleans sound well down right stunning, I had the biggest grin on my face, oh the chime on the two clean channels was awesome as well as Ld 2 green mark IV Ld 2 yellow mark II thunder Ld 2 red mark III and Ld 1 red recto board all sound great. And this thing ain't even broke in.
The golds sound wonderful and this Avatar cab sounds wonderful. What can I say I'll keep playing it but it sounded great from the word go. 
Very happy.

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