Anyone Still Have Original 6L6 Tubes From The '80's?

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gts said:
megavoice said:
But I'm wondering how s.o. can forsee how much a tube has been used previously............ :wink:.........

how s.o.? sorry got no clue what s.o. means...

Well, if you you i.ex want to by some used Sylvanias do you will know what had happened with them in the past ?
And do you believe the seller absolutely what he'll tell you ??? It's very likely they'll be very old chunks.
You've paid the money for and the only thing that remains will be the trash-can................... :wink:
JOEY B. said:

How bad do you want some?

What's about this ??? Are they new ? Think they're not to get new.................. ???
JOEY B. said:
megavoice said:
JOEY B. said:

How bad do you want some?

What's about this ??? Are they new ? Think they're not to get new.................. ???

N.O.S. New Old Stock They have never been used.

Double price ? Must listen to an A/Bing with new MESAs before being convinced. What's the difference ? Sounds more close to IIC+ or what ? Is the sound twice "better" with ?
Other-ones like to burgle into my home to get my amps but they MERELY have the current EL34 inside. :wink:
megavoice said:
Double price ? Must listen to an A/Bing with new MESAs before being convinced. What's the difference ? Sounds more close to IIC+ or what ? Is the sound twice "better" with ?
Other-ones like to burgle into my home to get my amps but they MERELY have the current EL34 inside. :wink:
A NOS Sylvania STR-415 has an estimated 10,000 hour lifespan, compared to a used one, which is ???????
JOEY B. said:
megavoice said:
Double price ? Must listen to an A/Bing with new MESAs before being convinced. What's the difference ? Sounds more close to IIC+ or what ? Is the sound twice "better" with ?
Other-ones like to burgle into my home to get my amps but they MERELY have the current EL34 inside. :wink:
A NOS Sylvania STR-415 has an estimated 10,000 hour lifespan, compared to a used one, which is ???????

So when I'm right now it's not the sound but only the lifetime ????
No, it's about the sound. The old Sylvannia STR-387 and STR-415 tubes have a rich harmonic content. For some of us, they simply sound better than what's currently available.

But don't expect miracles. They're great tubes, but if you don't have a C+ you won;t get one by swapping out current production tubes for NOS.
megavoice said:
JOEY B. said:
megavoice said:
Double price ? Must listen to an A/Bing with new MESAs before being convinced. What's the difference ? Sounds more close to IIC+ or what ? Is the sound twice "better" with ?
Other-ones like to burgle into my home to get my amps but they MERELY have the current EL34 inside. :wink:
A NOS Sylvania STR-415 has an estimated 10,000 hour lifespan, compared to a used one, which is ???????

So when I'm right now it's not the sound but only the lifetime ????

I never said they didn't sound good. My point was that you could possibly buy 5 sets of $100.00 new production tubes in the same amount of time that you could buy one set of $500.00 Sylvania tubes, if you kept the same amp long enough.
Dude2Dude said:
But don't expect miracles. They're great tubes, but if you don't have a C+ you won;t get one by swapping out current production tubes for NOS.

I don't want to have a C+ as how it's sound is described it's absolutely not my fit. It is said to sound creamy and more mellow than the others. I'm a Rock player and my preferences start from harsh and agressiv up to sparkling and VERY melodic.
Youtube demos didn't smash me off the chair......

Even this:
It happened several times that Mike B. dissuaded people from the mod od their IIIs... :D
Sorry, but you were the one that raised the C+ because — I assumed, wrongly — that was your target tone.

Tubes are to an amp as guitar strings are to an acoustic guitar: they can change your sound (sometimes a fair amount), but your core sound is not going to be altered dramatically.

They won't change your amp into a C+, for good or ill. They'll probably improve it, though. But as I said, don't expect miracles.
Dude2Dude said:
Sorry, but you were the one that raised the C+ because — I assumed, wrongly — that was your target

No, was just a simple question...... :D

Dude2Dude said:
......But as I said, don't expect miracles.

When you have a redstripe you need NOT to expect miracles, but you have one.......... :lol:

Yesterday evening I pulled the drawer and had been taken by surprise that I've kept all the old tube-sets I had replaced in the last twenty years. But I had also a flashback that in most cases I swapped them because of malfuncion after about every two or three years: humming, banging, sparkling etc.
One set is a very old one, EL34 STR 440, and the other three are STR 447. But I don't think that one of these pairs will be able for a revival...... :D

Recently I've got an answer from MESA support and they've told me on simul-class models you should never run the amp without the inner tubes as the outer ones obviously are too much loaded from this and get much quicker worn down. But on non-simul it's obviously permitted.
Maybe this is the reason why my outers had been bad after a short time like that..................
Well, first of all my old 6L6 and originals are signed with "MESA GC". Are these the famous Sylvania ?

Just to confirm what I've told above. I A/Bd in my two IIIs EL34s that I'm using now for about three years with completely new and I can confirm that the old are lacking perceptibly with "treble", "sparkling" and "smacking" . But this can be compensated by "Treble" and "Lead Drive" to a certain degree.
I also have built myself fatter speaker cables, 2X 2,5mm sqare so that this component can be neglacted, as differences had been resulted from this formerly. I also compared all my speakers and speaker-cabs crosswise so that these variables can be excluded as well. I'm using EVM 12L in all cabs.
megavoice said:
I don't want to have a C+ as how it's sound is described it's absolutely not my fit. It is said to sound creamy and more mellow than the others. I'm a Rock player and my preferences start from harsh and agressiv up to sparkling and VERY melodic.
Youtube demos didn't smash me off the chair......

Even this:
It happened several times that Mike B. dissuaded people from the mod od their IIIs... :D
I'm a rock player too, and would NEVER have bought a IIC+ based on any of the YouTube videos.

FWIW, Mike B. would not (hype) talk someone into modding their MarK III, as it is just not in his nature. Sure, he could make much money in doing so, he just chooses not to do so. Great guy, indeed. 8)
JOEY B. said:
megavoice said:
I don't want to have a C+ as how it's sound is described it's absolutely not my fit. It is said to sound creamy and more mellow than the others. I'm a Rock player and my preferences start from harsh and agressiv up to sparkling and VERY melodic.
Youtube demos didn't smash me off the chair......

Even this:
It happened several times that Mike B. dissuaded people from the mod od their IIIs... :D
I'm a rock player too, and would NEVER have bought a IIC+ based on any of the YouTube videos.

FWIW, Mike B. would not (hype) talk someone into modding their MarK III, as it is just not in his nature. Sure, he could make much money in doing so, he just chooses not to do so. Great guy, indeed. 8)

Since I've joined this forum in '04 there had been several times where people told about their intensive discussions with Mike B. and had been NOT advised to do the III+ mod as the'd might be probably disappoited after depending on their tastes. :D
The details and prescriptions that had been shown then seemed to be very realistic to me and still are, so that I do believe in.
"Are these tubes good?" :D The homeowner came out to visit us and noticed my guitars in the van and asked me if I wanted these old tubes. I told him I had a Boogie amp and that Mesa STR 420's would work just fine! I wonder if he has another set to make it a quad? Made my week a little better. Thinking about it now, they're going into the Mark IV. I've got a quad of 425's in the Mark II, new =C= quad in the III and the IV needs tubes.

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