Anyone shredded a Celestion V30?

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
Vermont, USA
Hi All,

I'm continuing to explore speaker choices for my IIC(+). It is a 60/100W combo that came with an EVM12L. I also have an Thiele 1x12 that came with an EVM. I like the EVM in the combo, but not so much in the Thiele (yes, yes...blasphemy, I know). So, I've tried a few different speakers in the Thiele to find something that suits me better.

After trying a bunch of speakers from friends, UPS just dropped off Celestian Vintage 30. I got it in there and wired up. I figure it'll be a week or so (or more?) before it breaks in a bit so that I can give a proper evaluation.

My question is: How careful do I have to be to avoid blowing the speaker? I mean, the speaker is only rated to 60W and I bet that the boogie is pushing some serious power when I pull the "Pull Deep" and when I bump on 80Hz slider. Sure, I don't play out at gigs, but I do like to push some air sometimes here in the house.

So, how careful do I have to be? Has anyone used a single V30 with their boogie? Did you blow it up? If so, how loud/long were you playing?


You will need to be careful with it. Not sure you will blow it up, but it is going to flutter and fart like crazy if you crank it up. Have UPS drop you off a G12K-100 next time!

Or, get some 4x12 Recto cabs. I use 3 of them. Keep an eye out for a 2x12 Recto cab used.

I have a Mark IV. My set up is a 1x12 EVM open back cab (200w) coupled with a 1x12 Thiele loaded with a Mojotone V-30 clone (60w). As long as you run both speakers together you are safely in 260W range. I personally think two speakers is a million times better than one. A mismatched set up allows each speaker to cover the weakness of the other. I highly recommend trying that setup since you have all the parts.

With one V-30 you might need to be careful if you get really loud. You are probably ok for most scenarios. I've seen a bunch of discussions on this board about people using V-30's in Mark combos. I've not seen any horror stories.
GD_NC said:
I have a Mark IV. My set up is a 1x12 EVM open back cab (200w) coupled with a 1x12 Thiele loaded with a Mojotone V-30 clone (60w). As long as you run both speakers together you are safely in 260W range.
Just to clarify this, a 200W speaker coupled with a 60W speaker is a 120 watt combination, not 260 watts.
JimmyB said:
GD_NC said:
I have a Mark IV. My set up is a 1x12 EVM open back cab (200w) coupled with a 1x12 Thiele loaded with a Mojotone V-30 clone (60w). As long as you run both speakers together you are safely in 260W range.
Just to clarify this, a 200W speaker coupled with a 60W speaker is a 120 watt combination, not 260 watts.

Well basically, yes, depending on the relative sensitivity of each speaker....
But I know what you are saying; if one speaker can only take 60w, it won't help much if the other can take more...the total handling is still well below 260w.

Either way, the v30 will be ridiculously loud long before it blows, unless you really try to pump a lot of lows into it.
Even then, Celestion speakers generally do seem to take a beating pretty well!
Good luck! :D
JimmyB said:
GD_NC said:
I have a Mark IV. My set up is a 1x12 EVM open back cab (200w) coupled with a 1x12 Thiele loaded with a Mojotone V-30 clone (60w). As long as you run both speakers together you are safely in 260W range.
Just to clarify this, a 200W speaker coupled with a 60W speaker is a 120 watt combination, not 260 watts.

Apologize for the misinformation 120w is correct.
I had read an article that it was good to push guitar speakers to the point where you see them moving. So, believing everthing the internet tells me, I did that with my V30 1x12 closed back recto and it didn't sound right - like I was driving it too hard. I contacted celestion about it and they told me you don't really want to see the speaker move. So, maybe, drive it till you see it move, then back if off a bit, and that should be a safe zone. Although, I'm sure if it moves here and there, like say when you pm certain notes, that'll probably be ok. I play metal though, so when it was moving for me, it was constantly moving, not just here and there.
Be careful. I roasted 2 of them in my 4X12 with my Mark III. Scumback speakers has some good info on the wattage amps put out at loud volumes.
Wow. You had a 4x12 with 60W speakers plugged into your nominally 90-100W Mark III and you smoked 2 of them. Wow. That's good feedback for me as I use ONE of them in my 1x12 with my 60/100W IIC+.



(...but loud sounds so GOOD!)

Thanks for the guidance,

I read somewhere that you can just play on the clean channel at loud volumes and that should be good enough to break-in the speakers.

Anyone watched the Discovery channel (forget the name of the show) where they film Metallica band members playing with a high-speed camera and slow it down to see how fast their fingers are moving? In that the bassist tries to blow up a bass cab speakers. He tries with max volume, playing the bass as furiously as he can, everything...he fails! Then he "blows" them finally in the old fashioned poking them with the bass guitar's headstock :lol:

I dont think its that easy to blow up a speaker because there will be a "factor of safety". If they rate it at 50 watts, good chances are that it can withstand to at least 75 - 100 watts. But yeah, you can never know!
emperor_black said:
Anyone watched the Discovery channel (forget the name of the show) where they film Metallica band members playing with a high-speed camera and slow it down to see how fast their fingers are moving?
Yep, I watched that show, and James always referred to the $20,000 LTD guitars he was smashing. :lol:
Great show btw. Very interesting to see how the strings move in harmony.
how do you blow speakers in a mesa 4x12 with a mark III? i've cranked my IV...not even half, but still..only running into a recto 2x12...sound quality never even came close to breaking up or anything