Anyone live near this guy...?

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Well-known member
May 18, 2005
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So you can shoot him.
I’m astonished how much these amps have gone up in the past two years since I bought my MK2C+. However, it’s now looking like a good financial move when I shipped my Mk2C to Mesa for Mike B to upgrade it to the ‘+’ and have simulclass mod done, even though it incurred the transatlantic shipping costs.
There are some nuts out there. But I often see many IIC+ auctions end without buyers because of the prices. It seems they've actually come down a bit for these amps as folks are just not paying as much for them anymore.
There is still a IIC+ for sale by a member of this forum for $2100.00 and it has not sold ... mind you it is not simulclass and does not have a hardwood cab ...

I would maybe pay 2.8K but not 3.8K, nevermind the 5K B.I.N. price. The only reason I would even consider the high 2K range is becasue of the hype surrounding this version ... I have not ever played through one.

I have a loaded Mark III green stripe which I think is fantastic and I paid $920.00 Canadian for it. How much better can a IIC+ be? I expect I would be disappointed
Sadly, once hte Mark2 C supply runs out, I imagine we Mark 3 lovers will have to pay huge bucks to get a Mark 3 used.

then again, maybe it's good news because we can sell them for double hte price we paid for them. 8)
Good gawd...once again,e-bay(seems to) sets the price. I can hear it now.."wow,some guy sold a IIC+ for X amount..mine must be worth that too"!
There was a e-bay seller from Columbus Ohio area that had some real primo IIC+,III,and IV pieces and wasnt too far over $2500.00(for the MkIIC+'s). He must have sold all he wanted:havent seen him in awhile.
We'll have to keep an eye on this one.
I would not be amazed if it went for 4K. I remember in 2002 I had a line on a Simul-EQ-Reverb-EV-Imbuya 1X12 with a matching Imbuya 1X12 Thiele.
It was at Rich Ray's shop and he offered me both for 2K. At the time, I needed a night to sleep on it. He sold it the next day for $ 2500.00 to a guy off the street. Now who was the *** there !!!!

4K is pushing the envelope, but I swear these things are going to be the Burst's of the mid 80's amp world considering there are only 750 or so Simul's. I bought that exact amp with the same options and factory Mesa flight case in early 2003 for $ 1700.00 shipped. In 2004 a Simul-EQ-Reverb-Ev came up on E-bay. It has the long Mesa Boogie logo so everyone thought it was a fake. It did not make reserve at $ 1300.00.
I drove my *** up to WV and snagged it. It was 1000% legit. The Simul-EQ-Reverb head I found on the HC gear ad's and it just sat there for 2 weeks. I called the guy and made a stupid deal and a mint head was at my house 4 days later. It just kills me that these amps are going for so much and when buyers have the opportunity for buying a real one cheap, they blow it. Hoopleheads!!!

The other real IIC+ in tolex with the Simul-EQ-Reverb is probably going to fetch $ 3200-$3500. It is a really nice amp.

I think Jamcity was dumping his stuff a bit early but still made good money on some really nice amps. The other 2 reputable sellers are 64Cobra and Vetnet. These guys always have the real deal and get them checked out by Mike B.

The MK III's are the steal of the century right now.
i have a little list of sites i check about once a day...if im bored at work twice. hopefully patience will pay off!
I guess as the old saying goes, if you don't ask, you won't get. You just never know. Someone gets a hard on for the amp and is willing to pay the piper.

I way over paid for a PRS one time just because I loved the top and the color, but to me it was worth the extra thou.


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