Anyone have the new 2007 LSC with 10w option?

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Active member
Jan 27, 2007
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I'm very interested in this amp at the moment and was wondering if anyone has one? How do you like the 10w setting tone wise? Is that setting quiet enough for bedroom practice/recording use? Thanks!
Don't have one yet Big L, but it's being built for me...supposedly i have about 2 1/2 more months to wait. I shoulda asked this when i ordered, but i didnt think too, and it might be mentioned on the boogie page(i'll have to check again) but i was wondering and maybe you know...can tweed mode be engaged with the 10 watt option? or does that get bipassed when 10 watt is engaged?
Hey speedy, is the 5 watt option too loud for home practice recording use in your opinion? Also, I don't know much about this, how would you feel recording directly from your amp's direct out (assuming there is one)?

Wow, 86d... that's a long wait!! But I'm sure it'll be worth it bro.
I have 2 kids, 5 years, and 1 year old. I wouldn't play with my LSS after the go to bed. I do like it for when I'm playing in the evening. The neighbors haven't complained, and I get that sweet tube tone. For me it is perfect. The 15w setting is only slightly louder than the 5w setting, not much at all.

I would not record with a direct out. I use a sm-57 into a prosonus mic pre into my sound card.
According to the Mesa Outlet in Hollywood, the new 2007 LSC wont be shipping for another 6 weeks...
I would order one now, if you are interested in one. Petaluma may be shipping them in 6 weeks, but there might be a bunch of back order. I've heard that the wait is 2 month's plus.
speedy mcfeely said:
I would order one now, if you are interested in one. Petaluma may be shipping them in 6 weeks, but there might be a bunch of back order. I've heard that the wait is 2 month's plus.

I can verify the wait time, i ordered my on Feb 20th, they told me i would be waiting about 3 mos for it to get to me. I don't know if the fact i ordered a combo made from bubinga added to my wait time. But, I'm hopeful that i'll be surprised and get it sooner than that,but realistically i'll probably have it around the end of May.

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