Anyone got their hands on a Mark V 35 yet?

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2009
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Hi all,

I just wondered if anyone has got their hands on a mark V 35 yet? I'm waiting for mine to come in over here in the UK. Should be mid December.

I thought you guys across the pond might have yours? If so what's your initial thoughts on the amp?


Hope so. Office is closed tomorrow so I am hoping to catch Fex Ex. Ordered the combo when they were first announced as I was about to pull the trigger on a V:25 + small cab.
BloozeLawyer said:
Hope so. Office is closed tomorrow so I am hoping to catch Fex Ex. Ordered the combo when they were first announced as I was about to pull the trigger on a V:25 + small cab.

Lol well timed. I'm looking forward to hearing that you think.

I've ordered the combo as well. I actually had a 25 about 5 months back and sold it to buy an Express Combo as I was trying to cut my rig down. I remember thinking to myself when I bought the Express if only the guys at boogie would bring out a combo version of the mark v with slightly more power. After a few weeks of owning the Express the 35 came out. I'm lucky to be able to return the Express and pay the difference on the 35. Can't wait.
Yeah. I literally drooled over the V:25 for months and almost bought a Mark V head to use with a Fryette Power Station, but once I saw this was released I pulled the trigger. Given the weight and fact it's a combo, it could be the perfect grab n' go option.

How long until I am gassing over another amp? Ha Ha.
BloozeLawyer said:
Yeah. I literally drooled over the V:25 for months and almost bought a Mark V head to use with a Fryette Power Station, but once I saw this was released I pulled the trigger. Given the weight and fact it's a combo, it could be the perfect grab n' go option.

How long until I am gassing over another amp? Ha Ha.

:lol: Same here no doubt mesa will release something else in a few months time and I'll want that as well.

The combo looks great as a grab and go amp I agree its lighter in weight compared to the express. 44 lbs over 54 lbs I think the Express is so great for me. Shame I have to wait though.

Looking forward to your thoughts and pics.
I am looking foward for the mark V 35, just courious how it sounds so here I am :D

I guess I'll get the 25 anyways, in the end is only a matter of related features the amp gives you to fit the setups you've :)

let us know!! :mrgreen:

My 35 combo arrived today. Looks great and as soon as I get some time to play with her I will report. This is my first Mesa so I'm going to take her slow with the manual in front of me.
BloozeLawyer said:
My 35 combo arrived today. Looks great and as soon as I get some time to play with her I will report. This is my first Mesa so I'm going to take her slow with the manual in front of me.

Welcome to the club you won't regret it. I've been a boogie player since 1994 and never looked back. Fantastic amps, well made and they sound awesome. Enjoy!
Thanks! I had a few hours to play on the V35 combo and so far so good. I still have a lot to explore but I have been impressed from the get go, and am happy with the weight of the amp.
New to the board, I can't believe I haven't found it before! I have a Mark V:35 Combo on order (Replacing my Recto-Verb 50) and I'm looking forward to hearing more early impressions.
BloozeLawyer said:
My 35 combo arrived today. Looks great and as soon as I get some time to play with her I will report. This is my first Mesa so I'm going to take her slow with the manual in front of me.

Manual? Plug and play mate!

Have fun and welcome to Booglieland.
We are all sure it will sound very good how good is what we need to know ..... compared to the V: 25 etc
BloozeLawyer said:
My 35 combo arrived today. Looks great and as soon as I get some time to play with her I will report. This is my first Mesa so I'm going to take her slow with the manual in front of me.

My advice to new boogie owners, specifically mark series owners.

On the drive channels, keep the base low. No higher then 10 o'clock. Maybe 9 o'clock. Anything higher then that can flub out quickly.

If you need more low end use the graphic EQ.
The V:35 is great, sounds much like the V:25. However the size and weight of the head pretty much puts me off, and I'm glad I got and kept the 25. It's basically the same headshell as the old DC-5. I still think the size and weight of the 25 is a huge advantage. Had the 35 been a 50 with 6L6's, that would have been tempting.
I've had the mark 25 for about a year, home playing and band rehearsals (unmicced and with a 2x12 with v30) with a fairly loud drummer, but I cannot help wondering if the 10w will even signify anything volume wise. Although I currently don't actually need any more volume, there's a little voice inside my head saying that perhaps it would be nice to have those extra 10w just because... god **** GAS....
I just spent an hour demo-ing the 35. I tried two combos, one with C90, one with V30. I tried them individually, plus with a V30 Thiele in parallel, then with just the Thiele, then with a recto vertical 2x12.

That amp just smokes! It is a lot like the V:25, as you might expect. But it definitely has... more. More low thump, which I struggled with on the 25. It also seems to be more mid-forward, like the V:90. In that sense, I like the 25 more, as it has a better tone balance I think.

I liked the V30 combo more than the C90 combo. I liked the Thiele by itself and with the V30 combo, and I liked the recto cab.

I liked the extra headroom on the clean channel. I wound up using clean instead of fat, which I didn't like in the 25.

It was quite easy to set up having owned the 25. It has the same conundrum: wish crunch was a third channel.
Anyway, I think the combo could actually be a grab&go, unlike the Rectoverb25 combo IMO. Adding the Thiele really cemented the giggability.

It won't seriously challenge my RA100 for tone or versatility, but the 35 is a great amp and is a heck of a lot smaller and lighter. If I HAD to go small, I think I could go with the 35 combo and be happy.

Down side: Not as much low thump as I would like, a bit too crispy in the mids. Kind of like an F50, actually.

It is a lot like the 25, but really a beast all its own.

I probably would not use the boost.
I've had the 35w combo for about two weeks now. I knew the weight going in (45 lbs) but that has been my favorite part. I can lift it and carry it without a struggle. While a sliver heavier, it reminds me of carrying around my old Princeton Reverb.

As far as the sound it hasn't disappointed. This is my first Mesa so I can't compare and have been taking my time with the settings. I am really impressed with the clean channel and fat channel. I have gotten into country over the last few years and my Tele sounds great on the clean channel once dialed in right. My biggest concern going in was that a Mesa would be all about gain, gain, gain but this amp does clean great.

Comparing the overall quality of the amp to some mass produced and some boutique Amps I have purchased and sold in the past,, I feel like I got my money's worth with this one. It has all the bells and whistles.

While my GAS won't die because of it (and still lust after a Dr Z Maz 38) this seems like it will be my go to combo for a long time.
Just got the head and I love it. No surprise there. I've run it through an older EVM 12L thiele cab, a mini-rec straight cab (both at home) and my old 1968 Marshall 4x12 straight cab with Greenbacks from that period, that with a band. It sounds killer through all of those in every mode, really punchy, projects like crazy, really loud, it only weight 27 pounds, and I definitely share that wish that Crunch was a 3rd channel. I have the 90 watt V combo and the 35 complements it perfectly, so I now have 5 channels of tonal nirvana. I also have a 41 year old Mark I combo, 60-100, EQ. Thinking I'll A-B-C-Y them, in which case it's 6 or 7 channels, depending on how I set the Mark I.
I've had my Mark V: 35 head for about a week now, and I'm in love with this amp. I'm not a metal player. Mostly classic rock, blues, etc. The cleans are great(very convincing Fender tones) and the crunch channel is the sweet spot. I'm def getting Marshall "Plexi-ish" tones from that channel. I've read lots of people complaining about the crunch channel not being on the 2nd channel, but I've had no problems there. You can set the IIc channel to where it sounds almost identical to the crunch channel. Roll the gain back and play with the EQ, you'll get there. I don't really play on the Mark IV or Extreme channel, but they are fun to play around with. I'm still struggling to find a speaker that I like paired with this amp. I was using a G12h30, wasn't sold on it, so I put in a Creamback M65. It's definitely an improvement, but I'm not sure it's "the one". A buddy of mine bought the combo, claimed the c90 was too "boxy" sounding. He replaced it with a vintage 30 and said it was a big improvement. All in all, this amp is a keeper. I was playing on a Fargen Retro Classic, but this amp is just WAY more versatile, so now the Fargen is up for sale

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Mesa Boogie Mark V:35
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