Anyone experienced this???

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2008
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Hey there. When I start up my Dual rec there is a momentary stutterin settling on the default channel 2. It makes a little funny noise. If I start it up without the midi foot switch or assign a channel on the back and then switch it over it will not make the noise. Also all the lights on the big foot light up.

Can anyone enlighten me on whats going on????

Thanks heaps in advance
If you just bought it recently then it's perfectly has to do with the relays for the channel switching powering up. It is also normal for all/some of the fotswitch lights to light up at random every time you turn it on. My Triple Rec has done this since I bought it new last Feb. and I called Mesa because my buddy's '04 Triple doesn't do it. It's only something the heads made in the last couple years are doing.
You would think that with their strict quality control they would have picked this up an 'rectified' the problem.

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