Anyone Ever Buy a C+ w/o Ever Playing One?

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2005
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I'm curious if the hype of this amp has ever driven someone to just close their eyes and buy one. I ask because I'm tempted to do this very thing.
I heard my first at 14 in 1985 and hunted them down for years never finding one locally to play before buying.
I bought my first DRG Imbuya Combo without ever playing one from Missouri.
I bought two without playing from Ebay. You have to become knowledgeable on every little feature before you pull the trigger. Even then, it's a blindshot. Boogiebabies and a few others can help you with the finer points of the chassis wiring.
I purchased a II-C+ (born as a II-B) back in 2004 or 2005 in eBay, obviously without playing it.
Sent it to Mike B. and he did his usual check up, clean up and cap job.
I heard Six degrees of inner turbulence in 2001, and a bare bones 60w C+ showed up for sale, I never hesitated, and have never had any regrets.
I had a triaxis/fifty fifty at the time, which is sold now, cos it never sounds as good.

It helps if you like the guitar sound where mark series mesa boogie amps are used.
Yep! I bought my first one without playing one, after spending time lurking here and reading about them, I wasn't bashful at all.
I did have a IIB at the time and I really couldn't believe that the IIC+ could sound that much better/different. I became a believer the night it arrived. My wife threatened to set the bonus room on fire if I didn't shut it off and come to bed, I was blown away.
av8or3 said:
Yep! I bought my first one without playing one, after spending time lurking here and reading about them, I wasn't bashful at all.
I did have a IIB at the time and I really couldn't believe that the IIC+ could sound that much better/different. I became a believer the night it arrived. My wife threatened to set the bonus room on fire if I didn't shut it off and come to bed, I was blown away.

yep, I only had my Mark III... (they are **** good too BTW)

I had to side track a bit off topic and ask Jim about this "bone us" room.... WHAt the *&%@# is that room like?

I need to get one added on to my house... ha ha
GIG4FUN said:
av8or3 said:
Yep! I bought my first one without playing one, after spending time lurking here and reading about them, I wasn't bashful at all.
I did have a IIB at the time and I really couldn't believe that the IIC+ could sound that much better/different. I became a believer the night it arrived. My wife threatened to set the bonus room on fire if I didn't shut it off and come to bed, I was blown away.

yep, I only had my Mark III... (they are **** good too BTW)

I had to side track a bit off topic and ask Jim about this "bone us" room.... WHAt the *&%@# is that room like?

I need to get one added on to my house... ha ha

The Bonus room is the room built over the garage, nice large room with canted ceilings and perfect for my playing as its at the oposite end of the house from where my wife spends most of her time. :D
It' good for other stuff too. I heard a term on tv recently, "Man Cave", I guess it could be said to be my "man cave".
Every guy should have a bonus room.
I traded My Dual for a III with out playing it. Or any old pre-Mark IV. To me it was worth it. Thinking of another.
Don't be scared! If anything goes south with the deal you could complain about it here.

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