Anybody Using a 4x12 with Greenbacks with Mark V?

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
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Im really liking the idea of a 100 watt cabinet. I play some hard rock and a lot of lead type stuff. I feel my 4 c90's are lacking in definition and character. (in a mesa recto cab)

Anybody have any experience with da greenbacks? Cna they keep up with a good amount of distortion and chunky rythm type stuff?
screamingdaisy said:
The answer to your question is... f*ckin' outstanding. :lol:

Agreed! I have a 4x12 with greenbacks - this just sounds amazing. To me they sound similar to v30s but better. The frequencies I don't like in the v30s are tamed, but the greenbacks are still aggressive.
I was actually pretty surprised at how good they sounded. I tried them once before with the Mark V and wasn't impressed, but I had different settings back then.

What I like about them is that they have an improved bass response... but it's in the form of a fuller bottom end instead of an excessive bass boost.

Mids have more growl and sit deeper in frequency (more mid mids and less high mids). Chunkier response to high gain palm mutes.

Treble is detailed, but not excessive.

The speakers offer a bit of cone crunch on top of what the amp kicks out. There's also a nice reduction in overall volume, which makes it a bit easier to run the amp a little hotter.

I'd also like to point out that there is absolutely nothing 'vintage' about the tone. Mark V on extreme into this cab sounds (IMO) more aggressive than V30s. I suspect this is due to the chunkier breakup... it's like the distortion is coming off the speakers in bigger pieces rather than smaller ones.