Anybody have both an ED and MKV

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Jun 17, 2006
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I am gassing for a MKV. I love my ED but I would need to sell it to get a MKV.

We all know what can happen....."shoulda never sold that one"

I like the simplicity of the ED but for some reason I want to get that Mark tone that I had
with my MKIV years ago.

I am looking for some feedback from those of you all who have owned both...


Don't own a Mark V but do have a Mark IV. But there are a few guys here who own both and a couple that sold there Mark V's to get ED's (As I am certian there are guys that sold there ED to get Mark V)

I have been getting the urge to pickup a Mark V as well, but I would give up the Mark IV as the ED fills a different niche.

I will say this. I had the opportunity to play an ED combo and a Mark V combo side by side, and for overall thickness, the two amps were not comparable. The ED just has a much fatter, thick rounded tone.

But two weeks ago they had a Mark V hooked up to a 4x12 and I got to spend some quality time with it and for the first time I was able to get some really great tones out of channel 3. I was always able to get great tones out of channels 1 and 2, but channel 3 I had yet to get anything out of it that could compare to the Mark IV. But I still didn't think it sounded quite as thick as the Mark IV.

Now the Mark IV is not as thick and rounded as the ED either, but the difference isn't as big as what I experienced on the Mark V I tried.

I need to save up another 200-300$, but after that I am going to bring my Mark IV in along with my recto 1x12 cab and see if they will let me AB the Mark V and Mark IV. Hopefully the Mark V doesn't require a 4x12 to sound full. The Mark IV definitely doesn't.

I already know the EQ on the V does not compare to the EQ on the IV. The EQ on the IV is much more responsive.

But if I can get the same or better quality out of channel 3 on the Mark V that I get out of the lead channel on the Mark IV, I will probably go ahead and sell my Mark IV to pick up the V. But that is a BIG if. I have a strong suspician that when I side by side them the Mark V channel 3 will sound thinner then the Mark IV lead channel. And if that is the case the Mark IV stays!
primal said:
Don't own a Mark V but do have a Mark IV. But there are a few guys here who own both and a couple that sold there Mark V's to get ED's (As I am certian there are guys that sold there ED to get Mark V)

I have been getting the urge to pickup a Mark V as well, but I would give up the Mark IV as the ED fills a different niche.

I will say this. I had the opportunity to play an ED combo and a Mark V combo side by side, and for overall thickness, the two amps were not comparable. The ED just has a much fatter, thick rounded tone.

But two weeks ago they had a Mark V hooked up to a 4x12 and I got to spend some quality time with it and for the first time I was able to get some really great tones out of channel 3. I was always able to get great tones out of channels 1 and 2, but channel 3 I had yet to get anything out of it that could compare to the Mark IV. But I still didn't think it sounded quite as thick as the Mark IV.

Now the Mark IV is not as thick and rounded as the ED either, but the difference isn't as big as what I experienced on the Mark V I tried.

I need to save up another 200-300$, but after that I am going to bring my Mark IV in along with my recto 1x12 cab and see if they will let me AB the Mark V and Mark IV. Hopefully the Mark V doesn't require a 4x12 to sound full. The Mark IV definitely doesn't.

I already know the EQ on the V does not compare to the EQ on the IV. The EQ on the IV is much more responsive.

But if I can get the same or better quality out of channel 3 on the Mark V that I get out of the lead channel on the Mark IV, I will probably go ahead and sell my Mark IV to pick up the V. But that is a BIG if. I have a strong suspician that when I side by side them the Mark V channel 3 will sound thinner then the Mark IV lead channel. And if that is the case the Mark IV stays!

Thank you for the response. Interesting points to consider. I sold my IV because I finally just gave up on the channel 2 tone. I loved the clean and the lead tones but I was missing the thick rhythm tone I was accustomed to. The ED filled that gap easily but doesnt do the creamy lead tones...they are a bit harsher if that makes sense.

I guess Peter is always robbing someone to pay Paul! I must say that my BB Preamp does add some creaminess to the ED for lead tones.

Thank for the thoughts
I know what you mean about R2 on the Mark IV. It is really channel 2 on the Mark V that has me even considering selling the IV. R2 on the IV just sounds so bad. I can't really explain it. As bad as R2 sounds, sometimes I wondered why they bothered and didn't just keep it 2 channel.

The clean channel on the Mark IV is actually exceptional with a good reverb unit in the loop. And the lead channel is just amazing.

But while I agree the lead tone on the IV is definately better then the lead tone of the ED, I think at higher then bedroom volumes the lead tone on the ED is excellent. Not the sustain and compression of the Mark IV (or any mark series for that matter) but a great classic rock lead tone IMO.
I had both amps for a while. I ended up selling the MV because i couldnt keep both. i wanted to though. the MV is a great amp, more versatile than the ED. They are such different amps it is tough to compare them. I was just like you, after having the ED i gasses for a MV, bought the 5, then after a few weeks plugged into the ED again and was blown away by its thick organic tone. i couldnt justify keeping both amps so the MV went. If its the mark tone you want i would just pick up a IV and keep the ED. but if you can only do 1, then the MV may be your better option. It all depends on what type of music you play too. As far as cleans, the ED beat the MV, in the crunch realm the ED beats the 5 as well, in the high gain world it all depends on your style, if you want more marshall then the ED wins, if you want that trademark boogie lead tone, then obviously the 5 is your choice. I want another MV to compliment my ED and get me those tones that the ED cant do. hopefully ill pick up another 5 someday. great amps.
I own both and a MkIV. Clearly, my favorite is the V mainly due to incredible flexibility with great tones. The V has independent controls for each channel and all 3 modes of each channel provide significantly different sounds to suit pretty much anybody's needs. I love running the MkV in 10W power setting in all 3 channels and always rehearse / sometimes gig in this configuration. It also sounds great in the 45 and 90W power settings as well. I love the GEQ or Preset EQ knob option for each channel and the solo boost feature. It also offers channel specific reverb control in each channel and the reverb sounds good.

I also love the ED and it sounds great in all 3 modes....its just not nearly as flexible and intentionally so. However, I have recently an OCD in front of the ED which really sounds fantastic and offers the sustain that I am after for lead playing. The ED sounds great on its own, but the OCD in front is the ticket for me!

The MkIV is a great sounding amp as well, but doesn't offer nearly as much flexibility as the V. Also, most find channel 2 of the IV to be very limited (if not just bad). I personally found a good crunch sound out of Ch2 of the IV, but the switch combinations to achieve it somewhat compromised the Ch1 and 3 sounds.....but overall it still sounded good.

I do still own all 3 of these amps and have owned numerous other MB amps in my lifetime. My preference of these 3 amps are MkV, ED, MkIV as you may have surmised. All great amps though!

Comparing the Mark IV lead channel to the Mark V channel 3.

Do you find you can get as thick a tone with as much low end and as tight as the Mark IV on the Mark V?

I know the Mark V channel 3 has loads more options. But can it get just as thick? Not that the Mark IV is really "thick" but the times I tried the V, with the exception of the time I tried it through a 4x12, it has sounded thinner then the Mark IV. And even on the 4x12, the Mark V sounded thin without the GEQ.

4x12 is not an option for me. Even if it was I don't even want one.

As someone who can play these side by side, what are your thoughts on this.

I really want to like the Mark V. And I do like it's channel 1 and channel 2. But since I live on the lead channel, for me it all comes down to the Mark IV lead channel vs the Mark V channel 3.

As far as the ED though, I just love this amp. I am usually not a big fan of buzzwords like Organic, but organic really does describe the overdrive on this amp. I just love it!

The short answer to your question is Yes, I am easily able to achieve great full sounds out of the MkV in Ch3...which are very similar to my MkIV (especially after removing the casters on my V which does enhance the bass frequencies). I am able to achieve this without having to engage the GEQ or Preset EQ knob. In fact, often times a play leads in channel 3 (or Ch2 crunch mode) without the GEQ or Preset EQ engaged. That being said....the additional shaping possibilities of my sound in all modes of each channel are pretty much limitless with the GEQ and/or PEQ engaged.

I haven't A/B'd my MkV to my MkIV simply because I am completely satisfied with my sound in all 3 channels of my MkV. However, I will do this today and report back to you. The MkV manual offers suggested settings to A/B these amps. I will start with that. However, it would be helpful for you to provide me with your prefered Ch3 settings (including all switch selections), and type of guitar / pup selection(s) that you play as a reference point. I run both of my MkIV and MkV combos completely need (or desire) for head / 4x12 cab as far as I am concerned.
These are great replies...thanks to all.

Are any of you able to cop Marshall-ish tones out of channel 2 of the MKV?

On a side note, part of my push to sell the ED is that my Trans-Atlantic is so good at thick rhythm sounds and its so
portable with my Port City 1X12....I just miss the effects loop....common complaint.

I am now eyeballing this MKV....I'm a sucker for "custom" color Mesa's as my ED is Bone and Black Crocodile!
Lots of 'Marshall' tones. With EL34's in it, the MKV in Edge mode sounds very Brit to me. With the 6L6 it was very brittle, ice pickish, the EL's work a small miracle for Edge. I think they turn the MKV into a lead player's dream machine in Ch2 and 3.
Heritage Softail said:
Lots of 'Marshall' tones. With EL34's in it, the MKV in Edge mode sounds very Brit to me. With the 6L6 it was very brittle, ice pickish, the EL's work a small miracle for Edge. I think they turn the MKV into a lead player's dream machine in Ch2 and 3.

Is this with 4 EL34's? or can you do 2 6L6's with two EL34's on the outside like you could with the MKIV?
I have some crude sample clips playing my MkIV and MkV during my A/B session this morning. I recorded them using my Yamaha Pocketrak 2G recorder which records them as MP3 files. However, I do not know how to upload them in this post. If somebody can instruct me how to do this......I will send them out.
MBJunkie said:

The short answer to your question is Yes, I am easily able to achieve great full sounds out of the MkV in Ch3...which are very similar to my MkIV (especially after removing the casters on my V which does enhance the bass frequencies). I am able to achieve this without having to engage the GEQ or Preset EQ knob. In fact, often times a play leads in channel 3 (or Ch2 crunch mode) without the GEQ or Preset EQ engaged. That being said....the additional shaping possibilities of my sound in all modes of each channel are pretty much limitless with the GEQ and/or PEQ engaged.

I haven't A/B'd my MkV to my MkIV simply because I am completely satisfied with my sound in all 3 channels of my MkV. However, I will do this today and report back to you. The MkV manual offers suggested settings to A/B these amps. I will start with that. However, it would be helpful for you to provide me with your prefered Ch3 settings (including all switch selections), and type of guitar / pup selection(s) that you play as a reference point. I run both of my MkIV and MkV combos completely need (or desire) for head / 4x12 cab as far as I am concerned.

Thanks for the feedback MBJunkie.

Today I said what the hell and grabbed my Mark IV, drove the GC and they let me go in the silent room in the back and AB the Mark IV and Mark V.

I discuss it in detail here

Side by side and spending a good hour, I was finally able to get the Mark V lead channel to sound the way I wanted. Now I don't know whether to sell my Mark IV and get a Mark V, or to just by the Deluxe HSS strat I was using to demo both amps. Those new deluxe HSS strats are freaking phenominal!

But back to the original topic. While the crunch tones on channel 2 of the Mark V are great, I feel the ED does that tone much better.

As for the ED vs the Mark V channel 3, they are just two completely different amps. The Mark V is so much more compressed then the ED. If that is what you are after, then get the V. It is an awesome amp. If you like fatter/thicker but maybe a bit more raw and organic, go with the ED.
MBJunkie said:
I have some crude sample clips playing my MkIV and MkV during my A/B session this morning. I recorded them using my Yamaha Pocketrak 2G recorder which records them as MP3 files. However, I do not know how to upload them in this post. If somebody can instruct me how to do this......I will send them out.

you could try

Just to through another fly in the ointment. Regarding the Fender American Strat Deluxe HSS...yes they are fine guitars. In fact, I own 2. However, about 4 months ago I purchased a Suhr Pro Series S3 guitar (HSS) with V60LP singles in the neck and middle and the SSH+ humbucker in the bridge....and all I can say is WOW! This is by far the best sounding guitar that I have ever played or owned, and my American Fender Deluxe Strats have been collecting dust. Honestly, I do not touch them anymore...FWIW.

Your preference may even be the Suhr Pro Series Modern (HSH) based on some of your responses and clips, however, either way....I am sure that you would love the sound and feel of a Suhr Pro Series Guitar. They aren't that much more than a high end Fender.

Sorry folks for my off thread subject matter. 50 lashes with a wet noodle! :wink:
I purchased a Suhr Pro Series S3 guitar (HSS) with V60LP singles in the neck and middle and the SSH+ humbucker in the bridge....and all I can say is WOW! This is by far the best sounding guitar that I have ever played or owned

I keep researching my "next" piece of gear, and I am pretty sure it is going to be a Suhr.....gonna be a while, but they make a far superior "fender" than Fender......truth hurts....

I have been eyeing a Suhr S4 at indoor storm. A bit more then I want to spend though. But they sure are sweet.
Laskyman....too funny, but I agree based on my experience with my Surh Pro S3!

Primal, thanks for the link, but I still don't have the foggiest idea how to post sound clips or pics to this forum. No problem though because it sounds like your visit to GC today allowed you to realize that the V has a lot to offer....yes, even in Channel 3.

If anybody else is interested in hearing my MkIV vrs MkIV comparison clips (and pictures of settings)....please help me in how to post.

If not, no problem at all.
I've got both.

I find...more and more....that my #1 go to amp.... my 2x12 Electra-Dyne. Tung-Sol RI in V1.

I can't get a shitty sound out of it, no matter what I plug
into it. I play p90s and mini-hums and the notes are thick, warm, organic.
Clean or dirty. Reverb or not.
To paraphrase a bad TV term...set it and forget it.
I use my guitar's controls more now and am just about "dirt pedal free".

The Mark V is an *AWESOME* amp, don't get me wrong.
I may keep it, but lately I've been contemplating an ED short head/EL34s to go with
my combo. Plugging my ED into my AX/greenback cab is the Holy Grail of tone(for me).
As always...just my opinion, your mileage may vary.
Birdy said:
I've got both.

I find...more and more....that my #1 go to amp.... my 2x12 Electra-Dyne. Tung-Sol RI in V1.

I can't get a sh!t sound out of it, no matter what I plug
into it. I play p90s and mini-hums and the notes are thick, warm, organic.
Clean or dirty. Reverb or not.
To paraphrase a bad TV term...set it and forget it.
I use my guitar's controls more now and am just about "dirt pedal free".

The Mark V is an *AWESOME* amp, don't get me wrong.
I may keep it, but lately I've been contemplating an ED short head/EL34s to go with
my combo. Plugging my ED into my AX/greenback cab is the Holy Grail of tone(for me).
As always...just my opinion, your mileage may vary.

Revelation....this guy's on something :mrgreen:
These 2 in stereo, 15 feet apart.....godly tones !
Not getting rid of either.


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