any electradyne metal clips??

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YellowJacket said:
I see what you are saying. It is like having a roadster, but in two headshells instead of one!!

If I could get the Roadster to produce the ED's Vintage Lo tone....

but I don't think it's going to happen.
screamingdaisy said:
YellowJacket said:
I see what you are saying. It is like having a roadster, but in two headshells instead of one!!

If I could get the Roadster to produce the ED's Vintage Lo tone....

but I don't think it's going to happen.

HA. Well, of course having a Dual REcto Rev F and an Electra Dyne in the same headshell would simply be too much awesome. I don't think the headshell could contain it. I got your point though. Basically, the Electra Dyne covers the tones a 2 Channel Recto can't do but with a similar sort of a voice.
If anyone is still curious of an Electra Dyne in a Alternative Rock setting here's a song from my band, Don't Wake Aislin. The camera is positioned where you mainly hear my Electra Dyne versus our other guitarist's Marshall JVM. I'm running the screamer patch on my Line 6 M9 in front of my Electra Dyne to tighten up the low end. Please forgive any little slip ups, we move around a decent amount on stage. And yes we are wearing white clothes with our shirts and pants painted on, it goes with our concept EP. haha.
I think it needs a boost......I use an Xotic BB when i played one at a friend's house and as my favorite OD pedal.....that is what I will use if I get an ED. I need the boost to get it into the chewy lead tone region like my Bogner.
does anyone thing these heavy clips are without the addition of a pedal, boost, etc? I would like to get an ED but would hope I would only need a boost for leads and not for heavier rhythm.
papersoul said:
does anyone thing these heavy clips are without the addition of a pedal, boost, etc? I would like to get an ED but would hope I would only need a boost for leads and not for heavier rhythm.

The Electra Dyne can get mean but this is with fairly 'extreme' settings. For heavy tones without a boost, you'll most likely need to blast it with uber high output pickups, whether hot wound passives or actives. I don't know if it will do very aggressive tones like a Dual Rectifier. We're talking more old Iron Maiden than modern metal. The Electra Dyne has a decent amount of Gain Saturation on Vintage Hi but I find that the notes start to blur together as the gain gets higher. (Less of a problem with v30 speakers)
+1. Not a high gain amp. A beautiful-sounding amp. I have tried to get metal tones, especially for 7-string. The closest I get is to put an EQ in the FX loop and set it like you would on a Mark amp, and I get a pretty good Mark tone. But if that's what you like, play a Mark. My opinion is the Dyne doesn't want to do metal. I have an F50 for that anyway. Though I still haven't tried my Metal Zone into the Dyne...
elvis said:
+1. Not a high gain amp. A beautiful-sounding amp. I have tried to get metal tones, especially for 7-string. The closest I get is to put an EQ in the FX loop and set it like you would on a Mark amp, and I get a pretty good Mark tone. But if that's what you like, play a Mark. My opinion is the Dyne doesn't want to do metal. I have an F50 for that anyway. Though I still haven't tried my Metal Zone into the Dyne...

Exactly. Let the Electra Dyne do what it does best. After all, it is so **** good with it. FWIW, I find it sounds crunchier, thicker, meaner, and ballsier in a band situation. But ya, for HEAVY crap I currently have a Dual Rectifier standing by but I might get rid of it. Still not sure and that isn't a good feeling.
I ran a Metal Zone into the Dyne tonight. As ballsy as that pedal is, the Dyne, well, Dyne-ifies it. It just doesn't want to sound like a Mark or a Rec. However, I was able to get a really good approximation of Andy Timmons's Tube Driver - Stiletto combination with it. Guess I'll keep it on my pedalboard.
elvis said:
I ran a Metal Zone into the Dyne tonight. As ballsy as that pedal is, the Dyne, well, Dyne-ifies it. It just doesn't want to sound like a Mark or a Rec. However, I was able to get a really good approximation of Andy Timmons's Tube Driver - Stiletto combination with it. Guess I'll keep it on my pedalboard.

Ya. You have to run EXTREME settings on the Electra Dyne to get heavy tones. Basically, dump the presence* and adjust the other dials from there. Running the mids up also helps.

*in the Electra Dyne manual, it says that turning the presence up 'unclamps' the power section by reducing negative feedback. If you read in the Dual Rectifier manual, it states that one of the features of 'modern mode' is an unclamped power section with 0 negative feedback. This definitely make the 'Dyne much more aggressive. I bet running a 4 x 12 Rectocab would also help in the aggression department.
What I was really looking for was a nice liquid tone that would let me get feedback and do artificial harmonics, etc. It was AT that gave me the idea for the Metal Zone. I was surprised to find his liquid lead tone is a Tube Driver into the clean channel of a Stiletto. I tried hooking up my F50 as a second preamp, but it's a pain - then I have to switch it in and out of the loop of the Dyne, and the Dyne power stage really throws the F50 for a loop tonewise - WAY brighter.

I tried the Metal Zone out of sheer frustration, but it turned out great. Now I can use V HI for a really bright lead tone, or the MZ for a bassier super-sustainy lead tone.

And I just lost another couple dB from my hearing. Where the h*** did I put my earplugs???
Ya, I think the Electra Dyne would make any average person stone deaf after one year of continuous use. I only run mine on 45watts and I tap the master control until the amp pops on. That's enough blasting for me!
What is wuss music? How old are we here?

Music is different to everyone. I can't bash people for liking what they want. I even like some Emo music. :)

That said, the Electradyne can do just about anything you want with a good OD and an EQ. I always have at least one OD on my board and a fully modified Boss GE-7 so I know I could cover anything I need easily. The ED has the balls of a Rectifier but incredible clarity and an old school vibe. It works with pedals so well, there is nothing you can't accomplish.

People often overlook clean boost and OD pedals. A friend of mine owns lots of Mesa Boogies, Marshalls, Splawns and lots more. He plays in a heavy local band. His main rig these days is just a single channel JMP set mostly clean with pedals for most of his gain and dirt tones, with an EQ in the loop for leads. There ya go.

High gain three channel monsters in my opinion are not worth it. I would rather have a good base like the Electradyne and some killer pedals. Try an Xotic pedal, a Sonic Edge or Metal Pedals with the Electradyne and you will believe.

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