Any Ableton users on this board?

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At some point I want to control it via midi foot controller and use it as a live looper for jams/practice and prerecorded loops for live performance. Haven't spent much time with it yet though.
Yup... I plan on doing the same eventually. I have to get a laptop first but for now I'm using a Digitech JamMan... it's a nice alternative - I can just D/L my loops from Ableton into the JamMan and bring that along.
ive just installed ableton Live lite 6. It came as part of some free software with Mbox 2 Pro tools LE.

What do you use ableton for?? Anyone able to give me a brief overview??
I have used Ableton Live for years. Check out Neil Zaza's recording " Melodica." The whole Cd was done on Ableton Live with Reason 2.5 ( it was a few years ago). I am by no means a master home recording genius but I fool around with Guitar Rig 2 into Ableton live with Drums on Demand loops for recording instrumentals.
Imho Ableton is by far the best song writing tool I've come across. Everything is loop based and those loops can all be put into their own groups ie intro, chorus, verse, outro etc..

This allows you to sketch out a song VERY quickly. I really like the built in 'drum machine' it has as well. Very easy to get a drum loop going with the built in samples.

It's great for jamming and practice too - crank out a drum loop (or import one that comes with the program), record a guitar part, loop it and start jamming.
i use ableton for both recording my band practices and writing music at home.

the loop-based tracks in session view are great for arranging songs. the last song i wrote was arranged from a "mistake" using ableton. recorded a verse, pre-chorus, and chorus (or at least that's what i labeled them). then when i started recording the song, i hit chorus instead of pre-chorus by mistake and it sounded so good i ended up using the pre-chorus as the bridge!

for rehearsals i use two mics and two separate tracks: one for vocals and another as a room mic. then at home i edit and add effects. sounds pretty good. since i'm using line6's toneport UX2 i only have two tracks. i'm looking into getting te toneport UX8 so i can have separate tracks for the bass amp and guitar amp, as well as mics for the drums.

although i'm no expert, i've gotten pretty good at using ableton live, especially for guitar and live band (it's mostly used by laptop DJ's), so if you have any questions i'll be more than happy to help out :)

i highly recommend ableton live. it's well worth the $500 (btw: live 7 just came out!)

I abandoned Cubase, Sonar and a few others after I found Live. Been using it for a year or two now. Starting to see the need for aux's and stuff though and not quite sure how to get around that but otherwise I couldn't be happier. It's so easy and solid and intelligent.

Live = Yay