all the combos have brand-ass new C90s

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Well-known member
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
which don't sound good IMO until they're broken in.

just an observation.

in fact I think they sound like cardboard until they've been beaten on.
Silverwulf said:
They need a good beating to sound good. Of course, I think the same about the V30's.

This is the case with almost all brand new speakers unless they are broken in at the factory like Hellatones...
Only bumping this thread because I'm tired of hearing people complain about their brand new combos.

"then I plugged the map into my 5 year old Recto Cab with 1,000 hours of 100dB playing on it, and it sounds better! combo sucks!"

It's just ridiculous. The best clean amps in the world have all been combos. When you stick a mic in front of the speaker it essentially doesn't matter if it's in a closed 4x12 or open 1x12.

So my suggestion is to play channel 1, 45w, fat mode, Preset EQ at about 12:00, with channel master to taste (but the idea is, get it as loud as you can stand.) Do this for five or ten hours. :lol: 8) :mrgreen:
This is what I did with my new Avatar cabinets-run my mp3 player into an amp (using a jack for the headphone out and a 1/4" connector into the amp) and crank it up in increments until I have 15 to 20 hours of loud music going through the cab. Then always play through the newer one for awhile.